Modern technology is advancing even quicker than usual, and that extends to cars as well.
To leverage on this, Polestar has created one of the sleekest looking concept cars around the Polestar Precept. Have a watch here:
The avant-garde design was created through the innovative powerRibs material, where it can increase the strength and stiffness of the back panel.
Polestar Precept is also made out of sustainable materials, such as 100% recycled PET bottles, Nylon 6, yarn, and more.
The infotainment system is powered by Google, where Google Assistant can be used as a co-pilot with advanced speech technology to expand to more languages for a more personalised experience.
Where this leads, we do not know, but if this is a car of the future and for the future, this is one car to have when technology is at its fullest force 50 years from now. Pretty cool, right?
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