Interview with Lara Wilkin, Germany

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Lisa Wilkin

Lara believes that strong and powerful ideas comes from a positive and rational mindset that betters the ideation process.

Interview with the 2020 NYX Marcom Awards Winner - Lisa Wilkin

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your background.

Bachelor of Arts – Design Media Communication, Fachhochschule Dortmund

Master of Arts – Scenographic Design and Communication, Fachhochschule Dortmund


Free Communication and Graphic Designer & Employed by "Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts",

Scientific Worker (Graphic Management / External Presentation) FB 10 – Information technology

Example Brand-References of my free work as a Communication and Graphic Designer:

Schweppes, Adobe Systems, Nescafe, Legends Tea

Examples of other Awards:

– Red Dot Award – Best of the Best, Berlin, Germany

– Art Direktion Club – Silver, Hamburg, Germany

– A' Design Award and Competition – 2x Silver, Como, Italy

2What led you to become a marketing communications professional?

Strong work, a positive belief but also rational minds, curiosity and the attempt to always think differently!

3What is your role in the agency, and what traits should a marketing communications professional possess to be successful in their role?

I am a one-woman company.

4Tell us more about your agency/company.

I specialise in communication / scenographic and illustrative design: Conception of visual solutions (digital, print and in space), information graphics and vector-illustrations.

5What is your own definition of marketing communications?

Communicate the unconscious, enlighten the inexperienced, make the context and the connections clear, generate curiosity and reach the target group.

6Tell us about your ideation process.

The ideation process is always different, sometimes it happens spontaneously, then comes the great research, the concepts, the layouts and the hard but loved work process.

7Congratulations! As the winner of the NYX Marcom Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

I will never be able to put into words what it means to me, I am so much blessed!

8What are the challenges of your winning entry(s)?

Lazarus Effekt is a very special but unknown topic with a historical, scientific, biological, anthropological and paleontological background.

The challenge was it to create a concept and to convey and explain the knowledge behind it to a broad environmentally interested target group.

9How has the country you are based in helped during your ideation process?

The main illustration of the "Lazarus Effekt" campaign is based on the german Lazarusse.

10What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

Be strong work, have a positive belief but also rational minds, curiosity and the attempt to always think differently! This victory does not belong to me alone, it belongs to everyone who accompanied me during my education and on my way. Every influence shapes us; we can learn from the bad and keep the good in our hearts to draw strength from them. I am blessed with a loving family, wonderful friends, a great job and satisfaction.

I want to thank my lovely family and my friends (who are my adopted / chosen family), especially my loved Mom Biggi, my Granny Moni and the best Cousin (chosen little sister) Thalea, my Godmother Ati and my aunt Babsie, my uncles Micha an Jörg and my remaining loving family bunch. I can always count on you!

A giant thank you to my University Examiner Professor Johannes Graf and Maria-Elisabeth Sporkmann. Thanks for all the years, the great teaching, the challenges and the support. I am proud to have studied with you and to use now my education meaningful and successful.

I want to thank all the good minds in the “Fachhochschule Dortmund” they supported me and I am also very proud to be now a part of the “FB 10” with the best work colleagues that I could wish for.

Thank you very much to Professor Dr. Oskar Aszmann and his great team. I will never be able to put into words, what your doughty aid means to me.

To the best Coach of the world Andre Wohlatz and the unbelievably OTM Team from Maik Pollmeyer a big warm thank you. You are always there for me and have a firm place in my heard.

I am so grateful to be blessed in my life with so good and loved people, educational challenges and moments and all the influences that made me the strong positive woman who I am today.

Special thanks to the four impressive museums they allowed me to take photos of there exhibitions by my own and to intergrade my work into the photos and on provided photos of the museums own shooting equipment:

– Museum für Naturkunde – Berlin, Germany

– Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig – Bonn, Germany

– LWL-Museum für Naturkunde – Muenster, Germany

– Naturhistorisches Museum Wien – Vienna, Austria

Your exhibitions are such inspired and a idol of educational scenographic design. Thank you so much!

Winning Entries

Germany | Lazarus Effekt | 2020

Lazarus Effekt | NYX Marcom Awards

The development of the Lazarus Effect Project Illustrations and Infographics are based on the topic of the „Lazarus-Effect“ with...
(read more at NYX Marcom Awards)

Lara Wilkin

Lara believes that strong and powerful ideas comes from a positive and rational mindset that betters the ideation process.
