Buchun Jiang | NYX Marcom Awards
Wild, free and eccentric, Buchun Jiang is the next industry hotness with an incredible portfolio of global works!
Chinese art director who has worked with high profile brands like Popeyes, Michelob Ultra, and more. I was born in China and studied advertising at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. After college I studied art direction at Miami Ad School for two years and I am currently working as an art director producing exciting campaigns.
I have always had a passion for expressing my thoughts and feelings through creative and imaginative works. As an Art Director, I have the freedom to create thought provoking and appealing productions with unique images and different visual styles.
My role is art direction and ideation, and an important trait to being a successful marketing professional is the ability to understand your customers and different markets and utilize that knowledge in order to create memorable customer experiences.
MAS is an incubator for creatives that are passionate about bringing their artistic voices to their projects and making an impact to the world.
Marketing Communication means providing the right content to the right audience at the right time.
I'd describe my communication style as humorous and insightful.
I produce original creative ideas by combining the client’s requirements with a trending concept, all while staying true to the brand’s image and vision.
The NYX Marcom Awards is known as one of the best international competitions within the marketing and communications industry. Being recognized with this extremely coveted award is an exceptional honor that evidences not only my acclaim in the field but also my passion for my work.
Winning this sought-after international award has certainly solidified our credibility and recognition as a leading force within the marketing field.
For the OM Yoga Logo design, the challenge was from the client because after 4 rounds, the client was still not satisfied and asked for a new start from scratch, and it was close to the deadline.
The United States definitely brings diversity and cultural aspects to my ideation process. Visiting different cities and embracing all their differences helps me have a better understanding of different brands, markets, and customers.
I’m most excited about the tech innovations in marketing communication because it has so much potential to open more creative ways to sell products and build brands.
Adage, Adweek, Breaking and Entering Podcast, The One show Archive, TikTok
It’ll become more efficient and more impactful.
Michael Jordan inspired me because of his competitiveness. Nothing more motivating than watching the greatest basketball player giving 110% out there.
Be true to yourself, trust your instinct. Always think about “would you do it yourself” to see if an idea works or not.
Keep a young mind!
Wild, free and eccentric, Buchun Jiang is the next industry hotness with an incredible portfolio of global works!
Also wild at heart, check out our exotic interview with Dutch photographer Cheraine Collete here!