In Focus: Interview with Joshua Scott Onysko, Founder & CEO at Pangea Organics, United States

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Joshua Scott Onysko | Muse Awards

Joshua Scott Onysko

Joshua Scott Onysko is the Founder & CEO of Pangea Organics in the United States. Pangea has lead the way in innovative formulations and packaging in the organic skincare industry for 18 years. For 14 of those years, Joshua had the pleasure of collaborating with his lead graphic design artist, Josh Ivy, to create their design aesthetic. 

Interview with the 2018 Muse Creative Awards Winner - Joshua Scott Onysko

1Tell us a bit about your business and what you do.
Pangea has lead the way in innovative formulations and packaging in the organic skincare industry for 18 years. For 14 of those years, I have had the pleasure of collaborating with our lead graphic design artist, Josh Ivy, to create our design aesthetic. Without Ivy, our design accomplishments would not be possible.
2Congratulations! As the winner of the 2018 Muse Creative Awards, what does winning this award mean to you and your team?
We are thrilled! We take so much pride in our design process, from cap to crimp. It feels great to be acknowledged with such an esteemed award for the attention to detail we give our packaging.
3Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?
I have always believed in one simple idea when it comes to innovation…the fringe predicts the future. So, we will continue stewarding that fringe and hope the big guys catch up!
4What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
1. Everybody is so friendly and helpful. 2. Design inspires the world to think differently. 3. Die lines are sexy AF.
5Who has inspired you in your life and why?
Mother nature has always been, and will always be my biggest inspiration. She has impeccable taste and has it all figured out. We are just trying to keep up.
6What makes your country specifically, unique in the creative industry?
Design, like love, is no respecter of borders. 
7If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a career in creative industry, what would it be?
I would say, “Please don’t be boring. Design is about expressing your soul, and if you don’t think you know enough about that aspect of yourself, travel. Go wider, deeper, and higher so you can really understand the part of yourself that is truly worth sharing.”
8Tell us something you have never told anyone else.
When I was seven, my parents sent me to my room (I was in trouble all the time). When my Mom came up to get me, I had painted an entire wall with a mural of myself playing happily outside.
9Finally, what is your key to success?
Find your willingness to fail many, many times, and with it, you will always find success.

Winning Entries

Pangea Organics Essential Oils | 2018

Pangea Organics Essential Oils | Muse Awards
We are passionately devoted to unifying purity with purpose. For this reason, we have searched the world over to collaborate with farmers and distillers who... (read more)

Pangea Organics

Purity + Purpose

Pangea as formed 18 years ago through a simple concept: We and the earth are one, and in that oneness, the earth gives us everything we require to maintain, our health, vibrancy, and youthful glow. For nearly two decades, we have traveled near and far, cultivating relationships with organic farmers who dedicate their lives and land to producing the most nutrient-rich, organic ingredients on the planet. We have rigorously educated ourselves on how to extract the highest quotient of active components from each plant. This means that every product we create is birthed from years of research and tireless testing. The result is a line of skincare, body care, and essential oil products that far exceed the expectations of both ourselves and our customers.
