In Focus: Interview with Kapil Kachru, Copywriter / Creative Director at Kapil Kachru Creative Services, United States

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Kapil Kachru | Muse Awards

Kapil Kachru

Kapil Kachru is an independent copywriter/creative director based in Boston. Since 2010, He has collaborated with artists, advertising agencies, branding firms, design studios, film production slash post-production companies, and directly with clients in Amsterdam, Auckland, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Munich, New York, and Portland.

Interview with the 2018 Muse Creative Awards Winner - Kapil Kachru

1First, tell us about yourself, your company, job profile, etc.
I’m an independent copywriter/creative director based in Boston. Since 2010, I’ve collaborated with artists, advertising agencies, branding firms, design studios, film production slash post-production companies, and directly with clients in Amsterdam, Auckland, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Munich, New York, and Portland.
2Tell us a bit about your business and what you do.
My job is to wrestle with marketing/advertising/design briefs and translate them into compelling concepts, campaigns, and communications that get under the radar and inspire people to think, feel and act.
3Congratulations! As the winner of the 2018 Muse Creative Awards, what does winning this award mean to you and your team?
Thank you. For me it’s not about having another shiny statue, it’s more about having my work seen, and hopefully appreciated, by a wider audience. And in turn, being able to check out the creations of others.
4Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?
Toyota already debuted the first dealer spots written by AI last year, which were pretty indistinguishable from the usual fare on TV. That was over a year ago. Now, Microsoft is working to create a custom AI solution for the global Publicis Group. I shudder to think where the technology will be in a decade. My gut tells me it’s going to go a lot further than the giant geisha projection eating candy in Blade Runner, as unbelievable cool as it was.
5What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
It keeps me on my toes, exposes me to new areas of human activity and gives me an opportunity to use both sides of my brain on a regular basis.
6Who has inspired you in your life and why?
Way too many people to list here. They’ve been from all walks of life. Not just our industry. Specifically, in my case, it was the people that got me on my feet as a copywriter – Chuck Beisch, Ray Welch, Judy Austin, Mary Joyce, and Ron Harding. I wouldn’t be here without them.
7If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a career in creative industry, what would it be?
A wiser man than me put it best. “Don’t look up to anybody. And don’t look down on anybody.” That said I’d add, whatever you do, don’t forget to have fun.
8What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the advertising industry?
Talk to people outside the industry. Listen to what they say and what they struggle to express. Find out what gets them excited. And what keeps them up at night. And when you do figure it out, give me a shout.
9Tell us something you have never told anyone else.
Whoa. Not so fast. I’m not that easy.
10Finally, what is your key to success?
My family and friends. On two legs and four.

Winning Entries

Because We Can (Ocean) | 2018

Because We Can (Ocean) | Muse Awards
Show how DB Schenker's global logistical expertise moves freight across oceans. And do it in a visually compelling way... (read more)

Kashmiri Freestyle 7 | 2018

Kashmiri Freestyle 7 | Muse Awards
I'm a freelance writer and creative director based in Boston. A lot of what I've produced in the last few years is film and video. Much of it two minutes... (read more)

Kapil Kachru Creative Services

Independent. International. Interested. Kapil Kachru Creative Services provides strategy, concepts, campaigns, copy, treatments and scripts for marketing, communications, editorial, and entertainment. Whatever the format or medium. Wherever needed.
