Pushing the Boundaries of Animation
Pause Fest – Erupt abstract animation by Jumbla wins the Canopus Awards in the 2016 Vega Digital Awards.
Company : Jumbla
Project Title : Pause Fest – Erupt
Category : Online Video | Animation
Country : Australia
Each year, Pause Fest invites studios and artists from around the world to create motion graphic idents to promote the festival. It’s a prestigious component because only ten are selected to participate. Besides, the works often send waves through the global motion community.
In 2015 Jumbla was selected. Thus, it was a chance for them to push boundaries and conceive something entirely ambitious. They wanted to create a piece that was unlike anything they had previously done. They also wanted to delve into new techniques they had yet to apply to projects, such as mixing abstract cell animation with 3D.
The video is on the journey of a liquid substance passing through the body, contaminating all in its path. It illustrates the journey of a substance pulsating through the body, bursting through veins and overpowering organs. The moral: don’t do drugs or your heart will turn into a fish.
Watch the animation here!
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