In the world of Timberborn, where humanity has vanished, beavers have risen as master engineers, utilizing water's flow to revive Earth. Celebrating its 2nd Anniversary, Ragdoll collaborated with Mechanistry to craft a remarkable gameplay trailer, showcasing the game's animation prowess and narrative depth.
The trailer's success lies in its ability to infuse beaver gameplay with personality and warmth. Short CGI sequences add context and humor, immersing players in the beavers' engineering feats while highlighting gameplay highlights.
A central element of the trailer was high-quality motion graphics, seamlessly integrated into the game's environment. This approach ensured clear and organic messaging, effectively presenting Timberborn's gameplay elements without overshadowing the core experience.
In addition to the trailer, dynamic motion graphics were created for marketing purposes. These assets enhanced Timberborn's appeal across digital platforms, captivating both new and existing players with engaging visuals.
Timberborn invites players to construct a thriving city, meeting the diverse needs of their beaver inhabitants. From balanced diets to unique playstyles and community creations, Timberborn offers a rich and dynamic gameplay experience that encourages creativity and strategic planning.
Entry Title: Timberborn - "BETTER" Early Access Trailer
Entrant Company: Ragdoll
Client: Mechanistry
Winning Category: Video - Animation
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