In an apocalyptic future a man is searching for something. On his way through the wasteland he passes the remains of some of Copenhagen’s most iconic buildings (Queen Louise’s Bridge, Round Tower and The City Hall). He finally arrives at his destination at a dark and sinister looking place. He lights a flare, and the iconic wolf from Copenhell’s festival venue appears in front of him. The earth cracks open and hell breaks loose. Welcome to Copenhell 2017!
Company : TBM
Client: Copenhell
Project Title : Copenhell
Category : Video
Country : Denmark
COPENHELL is Denmark’s greatest rock and metal festival. It has drawn metal fans from both within and outside the country’s borders to Copenhagen since the beginning of 2010. The peninsula called ‘Refshaleaøen’ right in the middle of Copenhagen is the epicenter of these three days of hell on earth. The raw, industrial surroundings are the perfect background for the brutal decibel bombardment from COPENHELL’s three stages. The theme for this year’s Copenhell is “The Apocalypse” and therefore a natural set off for the commercial.
In the opening scene “The Scavenger” is getting a signal on his device. Then, he sets off searching the wastelands. To link the scenery to Copenhagen we placed iconic buildings from the city in the environment. The Scavenger is also the center in the print campaign for the festival.
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