Everyone has dreams to become something great at least once in their entire lifetime. Be the strongest person on earth. Be the fastest racecar driver in the world. Become the greatest sports player there ever was.
And for one kid in West Memphis, Arkansas, the latter is most definitely one that he strived to be. Despite his physical limitations he suffered as a kid, he went above and beyond to become one of the greatest international basketball players on the planet. So much so that his career is one filled with countless triumphs and accolades. So Design 31 took his story as a basis and turned it into an easy-to-read, digital book detailing his rise to greatness.
The story starts with boy from Arkansas named Sonny. Sonny, like other kids, goes to school and loves a game revolving a bouncy orange ball. So much so that he would dribble all day and night, until his fingers fall off (not really)!
But unlike other kids where they could run all day, running would be a monumental feat that calls for a celebration in Sonny’s eyes. He can’t run or jump because of his cleft feet, robbing the child of mobility.
And if you think that was the end of Sonny’s legacy, you’d be wrong! He grew taller and stronger as he got older, and finally overcame his physical limitations to play at the same level of NBA players. At the same time, his legend starts to grow and spread its influence. And when he started college, his legend had reached coaches all over Arkansas and immediately became the #1 player in Fort Smith and won a NJCAA Championship with a Hall of Fame title as the cherry on top! Finally, Sonny Did!
His career continues to grow in Fayetteville, and wouldn’t you know it, became 1st Team All SEC and NCAA Dunk Champ at the University of Arkansas where his battle cry would ring for days on end. Sonny Did! Once again!
There is nowhere but up for Sonny after that. Sonny is later drafted as the 39th pick for the Chicago Bulls racking up win after win for the team. And then later expanding his skills over countless nations across the world.
The book ends with Sonny currently living in China where basketball is life, and a heartfelt message from Sonny to never give up and nothing is impossible. If Sonny did, then so can you!