Crunchyroll, an American subscription streaming service, is home to many Japanese animated series (anime) that has over 10 million paid subscribers as of 2022. One of its many series that it hosts is Attack on Titan, a manga written by Hajime Isayama, notorious for its riveting plot-twists, gory scenes and its dim reminder of how much the world is an unforgiving place.
The trailer follows monumental moments from the blockbuster anime and crammed it into an action-packed 45 second video to celebrate its popular series as the final conclusive episodes end. Each scene is filled with a reminder of the expressions and emotions fans went through as the series faithfully follows the manga. The fans are also reminded of the suspense in the air as each scene unravels another mystery, another discovery, another death and another sullen reminder of how the world operates.
It’s dark yet brilliant and humorous wordplay further captivates the audience as scenes of humans vs carnivores cannibalism zooms through but not without featuring its key titans (giants that have superpowers and a set of skills) awe-struck moments that forever changed the trajectory of the plot.
The entire video was summarized and rightfully titled ‘Attack on Titan Final Season – Appetite for Destruction’ for its constant destruction of hopes, dreams and humanity which is a recurring theme from the first season that thugs on your heartstrings, the kind that leaves one breathless. The trailer was recognized and was a Platinum Winner in the 2022 MUSE Creative Awards under the category Video-Trailers.
Entry Name: Attack on Titan Final Season - Appetite for Destruction
Entrant Company: Crunchyroll
Winning Category: Video - Trailers
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