For over fifty years and counting, the National Partnership For Women & Families have dedicated their lives in championing the improvements to the quality of life for women and their families across the United States. To mark the fifty years of achievements and good work the organization has done, Three(i) made a simple infographic that details the highlights of each and every year of the company since its founding!
To deliver the message and teaching the older and younger audiences of the goodwill they have brought to women and families across the nation, NPFW has teamed up with Three(i) once again to highlight their 50th anniversary celebration and their impact to women and families by using a modern, diverse, and flexible solution with Making HERstory on NPFW’s website.
The webpage of Making HERstory starts with the PDF report of the NPFW’s 50th anniversary annual report behind a maroon and gold background. Scroling down a little bit further is a message from the former president of the NPFW, Debra Ness, on looking back at the good fight for improving the lives of women and families with benefits that would otherwise be impossible to dream for in the past.
We later come across 50 red boxes representing each year since its inception. Each one of them containing the biggest achievements of that very year from its founding in 1971 all the way up to 2021. With the 2022 year still making leaps and bounds to improving opportunities for women.
The NPFW has not only made strides to spearhead the rights for women, but also uplifting the different cultures and types of women to a broader and accessible group to tell a story that spans half a century. We applaud the NPFW and their mission, and here’s to another 50 years of great things ahead!
Name: Making HERstory
Company: Three(i) Creative Communications
Company: National Partnership for Women & Families
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