If you own a car and have an appetite for fast food at all times, then chances are you've already used a McDonald's drive-thru before.
In McDonald's most recent campaigns to curb bad driving habits in the Czech Republic, we are seeing some cute visual cues that will certainly resonate well with the general audience. Check them out below:
Each visual has a driving cue that is easily recognizable for all drivers and the general public, instantly making them relatable. Even with the golden arches not visibly present in the pictures, you can still feel that it's a McDonald's ad, and a very good one at that too!
Aimed at tired, hungry drivers whose frustrations lie in the fact that they haven’t eaten a good meal, this campaign does well in encouraging people not to drive hungrily, but to drive safely.
Even in these trying times, do remember to drive safely as you navigate your way through the masses to get to your favorite fast food joint!
Name: McSafe Drive
Agency: DDB Prague
Client's Name: McDonald's
Creative Director: Gert Laubsher
Chief Creative Officer: Radouane Hadj Moussa
Art Director: Denis Dudek
Designer: Jan Tomášek
Account Manager: David Šrámek
Business Director: Nikola Bochová
Still want to see visual ads like this and be inspired even further? Do read our article about San Pellegrino today!