Every day, millions of people are continuously buying stuff online and receiving them on the very same day. Nine times out of ten, it arrives it perfect condition. And if it doesn’t, they can simply return it and get a new unit instead. Simple!
But for perishable goods like food and medicine, failure is not an option and will never be one. When you are shipping literal tonnes of fragile goods with an expiration date, every single consideration must be taken extremely seriously to ensure that they arrive in perfect condition. As failure can result in millions, if not billions in damages. To ensure that your goods will arrive in perfect condition, Carrier Transicold has made strides in cargo and logistics in tandem with Amazon Web Services and machine learning AI with LYNX Fleet!
LYNX Fleet is the brainchild of Carrier Transicold, the delivery and logistics arms of world-renowned company specializing in keeping your food and perishables at the perfect temperature throughout the entire journey. To demonstrate the effectiveness of its system, Carrier Transicold employed the services of Moving Bits to create an introductory video of LYNX Fleet starring a child!
The video starts with a child playing with his collection of toys from automobiles to planes and trains. Visualizing mountains and oceans carrying precious cargo before transitioning seamlessly into Carrier Transicold’s business in manufacturing air-conditioned shipping containers to keep fragile and perishable items like food and medicine fresh over long distances. Showing how logistics heavily utilizes these services to bring these goods from producer to store shelves.
LYNX Fleet is then introduced by the narrator. An innovation in the logistics scene where shipping companies from all over the world and across all industries can keep track of their goods and their journeys. Carrier Transicold also made it a life mission to never accept failure, so machine learning AI is employed to foresee any possible failures the transported goods may encounter and resolves the issues before it even happened. All while also keeping track of the exact location of the goods and overall condition of the shipping unit.
Every day, billions of boxes all across the world are being flown, shipped, and delivered to households in varying degrees of quality and shapes. But Carrier is taking a step further in making sure that you get yours in perfect condition!