If you have a time machine and have the opportunity to go back into the past, where’s the first place you’ll go? The prehistoric times to view dinosaurs up close? A Michael Jackson concert from when he was still alive? Or maybe you want to change the course of history forever by saving a certain important individual? Or perhaps, changing your course of life to a different direction instead?
For many people, the latter option is most probably the one they would choose. Many of them still harboring the regrets they have for not mustering up the courage to try something new in their youth or careers. Be it asking their crushes out, or taking up that extra assignment that would propel their lives to the stratosphere.
Taking these missed out opportunities in life (as well as a certain virus), Marlon can Maastricht teamed up with Mexican producer xKori and put these past regrets in the lyrics on paper and let their negative energies out through their instruments with yet another Zero Expectations alt-rock release, One Last Time!
The first lines found in the lyrics of the song depicts the plight of the current course in life that the listener is still bound to. Reflecting the same old actions that they perform on a day-to-day basis with no signs of improvement at all. Or in other words, feel like they are walking in their sleep.
The song then picks up the pace with guitars and drums starting to go faster and faster with high energy. With the lyrics suddenly shifting from focusing on the same actions being repeated over and over again, to looking towards the future and trying something new in a catchy chorus.
The final part of the chorus then puts the thought of what if the Earth started to go back in time and the hands on the clock start to turn back. Giving the listener a thought-provoking question on what would they tell their younger self from years ago, and tell them to take risks and just do it than play it safe.
Simple, easy to vibe to and an absolute banging track put out by Zero Expectations, One Last Time gives us a friendly reminder on getting out of our comfort zone and try something new for a change!
Doing something also calls for a celebration for this tiny victory. Do so with some hearty Italian cuisine with Maggiano’s here!