Interview with Yuchien Wang from the United States

Joan Ng | MUSE Creative Awards
Interview with Joan Ng from Malaysia
October 3, 2024
Weiping Cai
Interview with Weiping Cai, Creator of Givo
October 3, 2024

Yuchien Wang

Yuchien Wang is currently based in New York, working as a copywriter. She helps brands find their voice, tell their stories, and connect authentically with their audiences. While her overall goal is to assist brands in selling their products or services, her daily tasks vary depending on the specific projects she's involved with.

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your creative background.

Hi! I'm Yuchien and I'm currently based in New York.

I started as a copywriter in the pharma space. Then hopped over to the startup world: got my hands dirty with branding and kept writing. Recently, I pivoted back to advertising. I grew up playing the cello, so I've always had a love for the arts.

Looking back, all the hours I sat in my chair practicing scales on my cello have prepped me to be a writer- wrangling words for hours.

2What made you become/why did you choose to become a creative?

It came quite naturally to me.

When I was a kid I would always look forward to journaling before bed. Even though I was mainly speaking, writing, and reading in Mandarin, my love for words followed me across the globe when I enrolled in a boarding school in Southern California. Not knowing writing could be a career, I didn't think more of it. Until I found out Syracuse University offered a copywriting track- everything clicked.

3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.

I'm a copywriter, I help brands find their voice, tell their stories, and connect with their audience in an authentic way. Even though my overall goal is to help brands sell their products or services- my day-to-day tasks differ based on the projects I'm working on.

During my time at CuboAi, when I was the creative lead for their product launches, I had to spend a lot of time ensuring the strategies were airtight so the products could smoothly integrate into a new market. Under the same company and the same role, when I was working on their Prime Day campaign, I shifted my focus to creating ads, socials, and emails that drive immediate sales. That year, we even scored best seller in its category across multiple countries!

4What does “creativity” mean to you?
It means to express a point of view.
5To you, what makes a “creative” idea and/or design?
A "creative" idea doesn't have to be grand or new! I think a clear point of view makes an idea "creative." I love seeing a piece of work and immediately knowing the type of personalities that worked behind the scenes.
6Tell us about your creative and/or design process.

I usually start with research. Be it Reddit, Twitter, or some random sites online. Lots of gems to uncover. I do a lot of studying to kick off a project. I would then go and clear my head.

I never felt ready for this part, but I'd force myself in front of my desk and concept. I try to explore as many ideas and directions as possible before meeting up with an art director to discuss executions. When I start writing for the executions, I try to edit as much as I can to get it as shiny as possible!

7What's your favorite part of the creative process and why?
My favorite part is also the most panic-inducing: writing the first draft. It's challenging but also the most rewarding, as I get to explore various directions and ideas. During this stage, I always find myself crossing my fingers, hoping to land on that one amazing line.
8Describe your creative style and its main characteristics.

For concept, I like something that's dry and ironic.

For executions, I like using bold words and writing pithy lines.

It's all about giving something ordinary an unexpected twist!

9Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your creativity process?
Oh definitely! I come from a vibrant city where growing up playing the cello and attending performances shaped my worldview. The education system here places great emphasis on discipline and following rules, which has been instrumental in helping me stay dedicated to my creative process.
10Congratulations! As the winner of the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?
Thank you! My team and I love our 'All Power' entry. It's an honor to see that the talents in the industry also like our work!
11Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

Play It Forward is a new Spotify feature that turns profit from the streams into donations for charity. My team and I found a pocket in people's day-to-day routine to get them to do something good for society.

Like I mentioned earlier, creativity doesn't need to be grand or new, but an unexpected twist could go a long way! MUSE is all about celebrating creativity, so we thought this idea would be the perfect fit to enter!

12What was the biggest challenge with this project?

Writing the script! The idea came quickly, but figuring out the nitty gritty in the script was difficult.

Knowing what information to keep and what to shave down was also a challenge. I'm thankful for all the mentors that guided me throughout the writing process!

13How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?
Winning a MUSE is a big deal! It helps spread the word and get more people to see this project my team and I love.
14What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?

1. How craft-centered it is. Being able to hone in on one thing I love is such a treat.

2. The people. I may be biased, but the people I've met in the industry are so interesting.

3. On pulse with culture. I'm not doom-scrolling. I'm researching!

15What makes your country specifically, unique in the creative industry?

My city sits at the intersection of Western influences and East Asian traditions. Creative projects here find a sweet spot, carving their own lane—not entirely mainstream, yet never so secluded that they lose the context to connect with a wider audience.

In a world where algorithms have flattened artistic exploration, the creatives in my city proudly retain their unique, quirky vibes.

16Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?
I’m not entirely sure. I imagine AI will be powerful and helpful, and I hope that more great ideas can be implemented.
17What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Trust your gut. If something isn't quite working go back to the drawing board!
18Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?

Thank you for the interview!

Connect with me on Linkedin!

Winning Entry

All Power | 2024


Yuchien Wang

Yuchien Wang is currently based in New York, working as a copywriter. She helps brands find their voice, tell their stories, and connect authentically with their audiences. While her overall goal is to assist brands in selling their products or services, her daily tasks vary depending on the specific projects she's involved with.

Read more about this interview with Joan Ng from Malaysia, the Silver Winner of the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards.
