Interview with Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co.,Ltd

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Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co.,Ltd | MUSE Creative Awards

Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co.,Ltd

Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co., Ltd and ASIAN KITE FORUM unite a varied team of professionals, including art designers and engineers. This collective expertise encompasses a range of disciplines, such as art, visual concepts, science, and mechanics.

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your creative background.

Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co., Ltd and ASIAN KITE FORUM bring together a diverse group of professionals with backgrounds as art designers and engineers.

This collective expertise spans various disciplines, including art, visual concepts, science, and mechanics. The company's director, Kai-Yuan Cheng, is a seasoned art graduate with extensive experience in painting, design, and the curation of exhibitions. This unique blend of backgrounds and skills positions the company to thrive across a wide spectrum of fields.

2What made you become/why did you choose to become a creative?

As individuals working in creative fields, we view creativity as more than just a career path; it's a mindset and a spiritual journey. We strive to weave creativity into every aspect of our lives, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences. Our goal is to use our creative work to make a meaningful impact, infusing life with vibrant colors and energy.

This unwavering dedication and belief drive us to constantly innovate, introducing fresh design concepts and imaginative solutions. Our philosophy not only propels us forward but also ignites inspiration in others, encouraging them to recognize the importance of creative design and its influence on personal growth and societal progress.

3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.

Our company specializes in creating memorable and impactful experiences through event marketing planning and large-scale curatorial activities. We have extensive expertise in organizing events related to kite-flying, culture, tourism, industry, and environmental protection. Our unique ability to integrate resources across various disciplines allows us to develop diverse and creative marketing strategies.

At the core of our approach is teamwork, as we continuously strive to inspire and motivate the community by conveying our creativity to the people of China. Through our innovative event marketing and curation, we aim to raise national awareness and recognition of creativity. This commitment has made us a leading competitor in our field, earning the trust and support of the people of China and receiving international accolades.

We are dedicated to delivering high-value services to our clients by executing our original goal with precision and dedication. Our ongoing commitment is to work tirelessly and innovate continuously to create even more value for our clients and society as a whole.

4What does “creativity” mean to you?

In this era of boundless imagination, the significance of creativity cannot be overstated. Despite the wealth of imaginative ideas, it is essential to transform creativity into tangible action and outcomes. Converting limitless concepts into practical implementations is crucial.

Therefore, while embracing creativity, maintaining a practical mindset is vital to ensure effective realization and accomplishment of every idea. It is through the harmonious integration of creativity and action that we can genuinely generate meaningful and influential results, allowing creativity to catalyze positive change and inspiration for society and individuals.

5To you, what makes a “creative” idea and/or design?

Great ideas go beyond mere innovation and uniqueness; they have the power to resonate with a deep sense of empathy and acceptance among the masses. The true worth of creative work lies in its ability to forge a connection with the audience, eliciting a shared emotion or value. When people can form an emotional bond and empathize with the work, they are more inclined to embrace and champion the idea.

Therefore, in addition to creativity, designers and artists should also prioritize understanding the audience's feelings and reactions, seeking out elements that can stir the audience's emotions during the design process. This approach ensures that the work genuinely touches people's hearts and garners widespread recognition.

6Tell us about your creative and/or design process.

The kite is a tool that sparks imagination and symbolizes the exploration and understanding of the magical power of nature. In the creative process of organizing this event, we began by conceptualizing the theme and presented the kite in a lightweight form, paired with colorful design elements.

This not only showcased the designers' unique visual concepts but also created a lively and colorful atmosphere, allowing unlimited room for the public's imagination. Throughout the idea generation process, the team integrated inspiration, research, design, production, and practice. At each stage, the team had to be creative and innovative to ensure the success of the event and the satisfaction of the participants.

7What's your favorite part of the creative process and why?

As the sun sets and darkness envelops the sky, the LED lights adorning the glow-in-the-dark kites come to life, casting a mesmerizing glow that captivates all who behold it. The interplay of light and shadow creates a breathtaking spectacle, drawing the gaze and admiration of onlookers. The resounding cheers of the crowd fill the team with a deep sense of fulfillment and elation, a testament to the culmination of their dedication and hard work.

This pioneering fusion of traditional kite craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology not only showcases the ingenuity and artistry of the designers but also delivers an unparalleled and unforgettable sensory experience. These innovative concepts promise to infuse the event with an added layer of astonishment and delight, leaving an indelible impression on all participants.

8Describe your creative style and its main characteristics.

We specialize in crafting leisure experiences that revolve around fostering meaningful interactions between parents and children. Through a meticulous process of creation, we place a strong emphasis on thematic innovation, artistry, and attention to detail.

Our aim is to integrate social and interactive elements to create a captivating exhibition that celebrates the beauty of kite-flying activities. Our hope is to offer the people a diverse range of leisure options while providing participants with a sense of wonder and joy as they engage in the creative process.

9Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your creativity process?

Our country's unique geographic location embodies the influence of multiple cultures, infusing design styles with openness, tolerance, and diversity. This environment provides designers with abundant inspiration and room for creativity. The positive impact of these characteristics is evident in the curation of the kite-flying event.

Notably, new styles, materials, and techniques have been embraced, resulting in more unique and appealing kite-flying works. The event now boasts a richer variety of colors and unique styles, contributing to our country's kite-only performances earning a favorable international reputation and unique appeal.

10Congratulations! As the winner of the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?

This kind of symbolic recognition is truly invaluable. It serves as a great honor and a source of encouragement for the company's members, the people of my country and its aspiring kiteboarders as well as kiteboarders from around the world.

This recognition not only motivates team members to persist in their efforts but also showcases our country's kite culture and activities on the international stage, highlighting their unique value and charm.

11Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

This is a significant global award, and it's quite an achievement for kite curators to receive recognition on their first attempt. The winning entry showcased a collection of kites that combined elements of humanities, sports, art, and science. It was an engaging event aimed at sparking the public's imagination and providing diverse experiences, while also promoting parent-child relationships.

Additionally, the event served as a branding opportunity for Hsinchu, showcasing its city image and vision. The event included an ocean-themed display, a mesmerizing LED glow-in-the-dark kite show, and environmentally friendly wind devices, all aimed at promoting Hsinchu's characteristics of innovation, technology, and environmental protection in an entertaining and educational manner.

This award recognition underscores the distinctive appeal and social significance of kite-flying activities. This accomplishment not only fosters a new appreciation and anticipation for kite flying but also encourages more people to engage in and support such a meaningful and positively impactful activity.

12What was the biggest challenge with this project?

This task is quite difficult, and with the unpredictability of the elements, it's crucial to be well-prepared. Bringing together experts in kite-flying from the country and all over the world, it was essential to make sure that each type of kite could handle various wind conditions, such as light breeze, moderate wind, and strong gusts.

This thorough preparation and planning guarantee that the kite show will go smoothly and that each kite will perform well in any wind. This careful organization will give the audience an unforgettable experience of the kite performance, while also showcasing reverence and enthusiasm for artistic expression and kite culture.

13How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?

The kite-flying team's dedication and hard work have been rewarded with a prestigious award, recognizing their outstanding efforts. Looking ahead, our team is committed to further developing a diverse range of kites and elevating our curatorial standards.

Our ultimate goal is to preserve and share our country's rich kite culture with the world, showcasing our deep-rooted passion and unwavering commitment to this tradition. Through relentless innovation and perseverance, we aim to expand the horizons of kite-flying art, ensuring that our country's vibrant kite-flying culture shines even more brilliantly on the global stage!

14What makes your country specifically, unique in the creative industry?

My country's design industry is known for its rich diversity, strong spirit of innovation, focus on craftsmanship quality, and a spirit of cross-disciplinary cooperation. The country has excelled in various fields, including industrial design, visual design, and digital design.

Our country's kites are internationally renowned, and the kite-flying activities embrace new concepts and visions, showcasing the art of kite-flying with diverse designs and innovative technologies. The spirit of professionalism and innovation is the driving force behind the continuous development and advancement of kite-flying art, leading to outstanding kite-flying exhibitions.

15Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?

This forward-thinking and innovative vision suggests that the future of design will involve integrating technology, prioritizing sustainable environmental practices, offering personalized customization, and utilizing digital design. With the growing interest in leisure and recreational activities, there will likely be a greater focus on kite design.

Consequently, kite art will incorporate modern technology and environmental sustainability, employing a variety of materials and techniques to create kites that are more durable, safer, and visually appealing. Additionally, there will be an integration of our country's kite culture, personalization, and values to elevate kite activities into a cultural and innovative pursuit. This will involve branding kite exhibitions and adapting to new trends while meeting the public's desire for novelty and change.

16If you were a student entering this industry or an aspiring MUSE Creative Awards submitter, what advice would you give them?

In light of the current disparity between curatorial practices and the kite industry, it is crucial to involve and engage young individuals. Young people can infuse new dynamism and fresh ideas into curatorial practices and simultaneously drive the growth and evolution of the kite industry.

Promoting international travel among young individuals to witness global changes is a significant method to foster a broad perspective and cultural interchange. By participating in international exchanges and education, they can draw inspiration from diverse cultures and enrich their global outlook and competitiveness.

17What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the creative industry?
For individuals from our country, who typically struggle with self-assurance, engaging in award competitions provides them with an opportunity to showcase their abilities and principles more comprehensively, boost their self-esteem, and improve their competitive edge.
18Who has inspired you in your life and why?
The smiles and positive feedback from the public are an invaluable source of motivation and inspiration!
19What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
We are constantly striving, always endeavoring to innovate, and continuously learning from our failures. Our approach involves innovative and meticulous planning, execution of mission-critical tasks, and fostering cooperative teamwork.
20Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?
The success of the Kite Festival is owed to every participant. Their enthusiasm and support were key to the event's success. Through unity and hard work, we created and shared this joy and honor together. We anticipate more exciting events and accomplishments in the future and hope to continue working together to pursue more dreams and goals!

Winning Entry

2023 Hsinchu City International Kite Festival | 2024


The 2023 Hsinchu City International Kite Festival is an exciting event that will take place in Hsinchu City …
(Read more at MUSE Creative Awards)

Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co., Ltd

Yuan-Sheng International Performing and Artistic Co., Ltd and ASIAN KITE FORUM unite a varied team of professionals, including art designers and engineers. This collective expertise encompasses a range of disciplines, such as art, visual concepts, science, and mechanics.

Read more about this interview with TA Design Studio, the Silver Winner of the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards.
