Interview with the Lazarev.Agency Team from Ukraine

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The Lazarev.Agency Team

In 2015, CEO Kyrylo Lazariev founded Lazarev.Agency, a digital product design agency in Kyiv. In 8 years, the team has grown to 50+ professionals, including UX/UI designers, analysts, and marketers, and they have expanded to New York as their creative journey soars!

Interview with the 2023 Vega Digital Awards Winner -
The Lazarev.Agency Team

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your design background.

Back in 2015, our CEO and founder, Kyrylo Lazariev, followed his passion for digital products and decided to bring even more to this world. That’s how it all started. The Lazarev. digital product design agency was established in Kyiv 8 years ago. Since then, we have grown to a team of 50+ UX strategists, UI/UX, Product & Motion designers, business analysts, and marketing specialists. We’ve also set up an office in New York and we do not plan on stopping there!

All these years, we’ve been creating UI/UX designs for early-stage start-ups and beyond. Our goal is to develop products that people love, letting creativity take the lead while ensuring commercial success. It was only in 2022 when our projects received over 80 international recognitions for creative excellence.

2What made you become/why did you choose to become a digital designer/artist?

We chose this path because of our firm belief in the potential of digital products to transform and enhance people's lives. We saw an opportunity to create platforms that merge creativity, innovation, and business, ultimately improving user experience.

Our journey into the world of digital design began from a deep passion for digital products and their ability to make a meaningful impact, and it still inspires us and fuels our dedication every day.

3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.

Lazarev.Agency helps start-ups turn their ideas, products, services, and processes into businesses that dominate the market. Our niches include but aren’t limited to: FinTech, EdTech, Web3, SaaS, mental health, and real estate.

We’re committed to help companies get the objectives they pursue, whether it is building a start-up from scratch, relaunching the product, securing funding, grow conversions, or anything else.

At Lazarev., our expertise spans across branding, UI/UX design, Web-flow development, visual communication, motion design, user research services, and product management. Over the past 8 years, we've been growing start-ups with UI/UX design and leading them to secure millions in funding. In fact, our clients raised $500M owing to our designs!

4What’s your favorite kind of digital design and why?

We believe that digital design is a combination of different disciplines, and only by leveraging all their strengths, we can achieve the best results. So it’s really difficult to choose a favorite kind of design.

But if we had to pick one, User Experience Design holds a special place for us due to its commitment to usability. We adore how it puts the user at the forefront, ensuring their needs, desires, and frustrations are empathetically addressed.

5To you, what makes a “good” design?
A "good" design is one that goes beyond just visual appeal. It's about understanding the clients' goals and helping them achieve their desired business results.
6Describe your design style and its main characteristics.

Our design style isn’t bound by a specific set of characteristics. We work with different clients in industries like FinTech, Web3, e-commerce, retail, and more, and our style is shaped by their unique goals and desires.

However, one thing always remains pivotal in our design process, human-centered approach. By combining the power of human behavior analysis with our creative expertise, we craft impactful solutions that always resonate with the intended audience.

7Tell us about your design process.

We have our own tried-and-tested product design methodology that we developed and leverage every day. The design process consists of 4 major pillars: research, prototype design, visual design and product management. Each of these pillars we divide into smaller steps, which we later split into tasks.

Here is a sneak peek: firstly, we conduct a preliminary analysis and set up a strategy roadmap. Then we do market research, segment customers, and prepare a value proposition. The next step is UX research, which includes interviews, composition of user personas, and creation of customer journey maps.

After that, we move to the UX design phase, where we work on user flow, low-fidelity wireframes, user testing, and quality assurance (QA). Finally, we proceed to the UI design phase, where we create mood boards and design concepts.

For more information, you can visit our website and check out our process. The key here is to be flexible and adapt the design process flow to the clients’ needs without jeopardizing the quality of the final product. And that’s what we do when working with start-ups.

8Where do you draw inspiration from?

We draw inspiration from a variety of sources. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest design trends, industry developments, and emerging technologies. However, what truly sparks our inspiration is our clients and their unique missions. For instance, when we partnered with NODO, a film equipment manufacturer, their goal to advance cinematography and transform the experience of camera operators sparked our creativity.

When working with 11Sight, a video calls & customer engagement platform, we were amazed by its rich functionality and innovative nature.

And then there's the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, which inspired us with its mission to support Ukraine's Defense Forces and aid civilians. We felt a deep sense of purpose in working on their project, as we aimed to contribute to their cause and bring victory closer to the Ukrainian people.

9What current trends in digital design (or really anything digital related) are you most excited about?

As a digital design agency, we are constantly thrilled about the latest trends in the industry. For example, we're digging modular design, popularized by Apple Keynotes. By employing its principles, we can create more organized & clean layouts. The rise of interactivity and motion design is shaping the digital landscape. With improved computational power and web builders, we create engaging hover interactions, 3D visualizations, immersive scrolling experiences and so much more.

We're also excited about the gigantic typography trend. It allows us to emphasize key messages and make a bold impact. New technologies are shaking up the design scene big time. They're streamlining the design process and bridging the gap between ideas and manufacturing. Our founder, Kyrylo Lazariev, always reminds us how awesome it is to live in a Digital Age where we can craft far-reaching designs.

10Congratulations! As the winner of the 2023 Vega Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?
Winning the 2023 Vega Digital Awards is a significant achievement for us! It validates our hard work and dedication, showing that we are on the right path.
11Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2023 Vega Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

Mariemur is a lingerie and harness accessories brand that is all about breaking free from conventional expectations. They believe that lingerie isn't just about comfort and looks; it's about passion, confidence and the way to boldly express yourself. We collaborated with Mariemur on their e-commerce website. Together, we transformed it into a hub that completely reshapes how people perceive women's underwear.

The brand's core promise of confidence and self-love gave us the freedom to design a website with an edgy and slightly aggressive aesthetic. It was an absolute blast working on this project, and we were super excited to spread the word about it by entering it into the 2023 Vega Digital Awards.

12What was the biggest challenge with this project?
The biggest challenge with this project was striking the right balance between an aggressive aesthetic and maintaining user-friendliness. We needed to ensure that the design didn't overshadow the functionality and usability of the website. Managing this delicate balance was crucial to the success of the project.
13How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?
Winning an award has been an incredible boost for us! It's not just about the recognition but also a validation of our design expertise and the quality we bring to our projects. What else? Winning an award has had a profound impact on our team, a surge of confidence. We're more motivated than ever to deliver exceptional design solutions and surpass our clients' expectations.
14What are your top three (3) favorite things about the digital industry?
The digital industry is thrilling because of its constant innovation, global reach, and the power to create captivating user experiences. It's a field that fuels our passion and allows us to make a meaningful impact through design.
15What makes your country specifically, unique in the digital industry?

Ukraine is the first country in the world to have an official digital passport and lots of other documents like driving license, marriage certificate, and more. We have this awesome app called Diia that does it all. Ukrainians can even handle private enterprise stuff right from their smartphones, without all the bureaucracy. Ukraine continues to develop as a digital state.

You should also know that Ukraine is home to many amazing IT companies and creative agencies that are doing remarkable work despite the ongoing war. We also have a rapidly-evolving FinTech sector. With just a few clicks, we can effortlessly transfer funds, open bank accounts on the go, even with a poor Internet connection, and so much more. The key takeaway is that Ukraine is swiftly breaking free from bureaucratic barriers and embracing a world of digital freedom.

16Where do you see the evolution of digital industry going over the next 5-10 years?
Looking ahead, the future of the digital industry is bright. We'll see advancements in AI, AR/VR, IoT, and cybersecurity. They will reshape how we interact with technology, making it more personalized, immersive, and secure. It's an exciting time to be part of this evolving industry.
17If you were a student entering this industry or an aspiring Vega Award submitter, what advice would you give them?
To all aspiring students and future Vega Digital Award submitters, here's a piece of advice: dream big, create fearlessly, and never stop learning. Remember, the path to success is paved with passion, perseverance, and a willingness to constantly evolve.
18What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the digital industry?

There's a whole treasure trove of resources out there like Dribbble, Behance, Pinterest and more. We wish we could list them all, but trust us, it's like trying to fit an ocean into a teacup. To keep it short, we recommend you follow Lazarev.Agency on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Dribbble. We share valuable insights, design inspiration, and sneak peeks into our projects.

Don’t forget to check out the blog on our website. It's loaded with all sorts of tips to supercharge your digital skills.

19Tell us something you have never told anyone else.

Alright, here's a never-before-shared secret. Our Design Lead has a hidden stash of design memes that he unleashes for instant creative inspiration and laughter. Shh, don't tell anyone!

Here is one more: one of our Motion Designers has a ritual to activate her "creative mode". She puts on a pair of fuzzy unicorn slippers, turns on her playlist, which consists entirely of Billie Eilish songs, and transforms into the design wizard.

20Who has inspired you in your life and why?
The brave people of Ukraine and their resilience and unwavering spirit in the face of challenges. And of course, our incredible team with their passion, creativity, and dedication.
21What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Success secret? Embrace passion, learn from failure and keep evolving. Oh, and don't forget to wear mismatched socks for good luck!
22Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?
Sure thing! We want to take a moment to say a big thank you to all our awesome clients and the incredible team at Lazarev. We truly appreciate their trust, collaboration, and support, which keeps us moving forward every single day.

Winning Entry

A lingerie brand Mariemur | 2023

A lingerie brand Mariemur | Lazarev.Agency & MARIEMUR completed a website design for a lingerie and harness accessories brand Mariemur. The team ...
(read more at Vega Digital Awards)

The Lazarev.Agency Team 


In 2015, CEO Kyrylo Lazariev founded Lazarev.Agency, a digital product design agency in Kyiv. In 8 years, the team has grown to 50+ professionals, including UX/UI designers, analysts, and marketers, and they have expanded to New York as their creative journey soars!

Read more about this interview with Natalino Carlo from Infernozilla, the Platinum Winner of the 2023 Vega Digital Awards.
