Interview with Taylor Preston from United States

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Taylor Preston

Over a decade, Taylor Preston has created award-winning ad campaigns, including healthcare brands. As a creative director, she leads the team in crafting standout, strategically aligned campaigns.

Interview With The 2023 TITAN Health Awards Winner – Taylor Preston

1Please provide us a brief bio of yourself and your health industry background.
For more than a decade, I have conceptualized, written and produced a range of award-winning advertising campaigns for clients, including healthcare brands. As a creative director, I guide and inspire the creative department to craft exceptional campaigns that not only stand out but also align with strategic objectives.
2Tell us more about your business/company, your job profile, and the specific responsibilities you undertake.
Faktory is a full service advertising agency with a specialty in healthcare and it's not all we do but we're pretty great at it. My tenure at Faktory spans over a decade. In my capacity as a creative director, I am deeply involved in strategizing, conceptualizing, and executing creative campaigns for our clients. Additionally, I provide oversight to the creative department, ensuring the realization of the creative vision.
3Can you share a specific story or testimonial that exemplifies the positive impact your project has had on an individual or community?
When appropriate, this video and campaign required showcasing real children grappling with real medical conditions. One of the talent featured in the spot has vitiligo. She was a little scared to do the project but wanted to be a part of it because she doesn't see a lot of people like her. Representation truly matters.
4What inspired you to create this health-related creative project, and what message or impact were you aiming to convey?
At first glance, a pediatric hospital can feel like a sad and heavy place. But the longer you're there, the more you bear witness to pure strength. Our intention was to remind people that setbacks are part of success. And that while the doctors are impressive, it's the kids who fight and win.
5What unique artistic or creative elements did you utilize to communicate the health message or story?
In terms of healthcare marketing, particularly in pediatrics, the industry is inundated with stories that tug at your heart strings. While those stories have a place, it was important to develop a campaign that felt more raw. We wrote a story that featured children in their vulnerability that also revealed their strengths. We tapped into a unique angle that resonated deeply with a lot of people.
6How does your creative project contribute to raising awareness, promoting behaviour change, or improving health outcomes?
This campaign for Primary Children's Hospital directed families to a website we created at There, families could discover the triumphs of numerous children who had been under the care of Primary Children's Hospital. Even better, families had the opportunity to share their own experiences there, serving as a source of inspiration for others during challenging times.
7What unique and compelling elements did you incorporate into your advertising materials to capture attention and deliver the health message effectively?

The video component of this campaign is emotional. We also leveraged in-facility assets featuring real patients to directly connect with families who were spending time at Primary Children's - those who needed to be encouraged the most.

This included utilizing elevator wraps, posters, screensavers, and even postcards for providers to pass along. All of these elements led people to the website,, where they could find the hope a lot of them desperately need.

8Congratulations! As a winner of the TITAN Health Awards, what does it mean to you, your company or team to receive this award distinction?
Winning awards are gratifying. They help validate hard work, late nights, and the countless team members who do their best to make a project the best!
9Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the TITAN Health Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

In their most vulnerable moments, children demonstrate remarkable resilience. Faktory discovered that this spirit is ever-present at Primary Children's Hospital. As a nationally renowned pediatric hospital, the Primary Children’s Hospital serves as a haven parents turn to when their children are at their weakest. Interestingly, it's the very place these children prove to be strongest.

Through the creation of a deeply emotional video, Faktory effectively showcased how setbacks are an integral part of success. The video emphasized that children are not only fighters but also winners. Our decision to enter this piece stems from our belief in its capacity to connect with people.

10What are your top three (3) things you think is unique about the health industry?

From an advertising perspective, the healthcare industry is distinct in a lot ways. First, there's the challenge of audience fragmentation. A hospital system has multiple audiences that all need to be reached in different ways. Communicating with and reaching out to a cardiac patient differs significantly from the approach you'd take with expectant mothers.

Next, the healthcare industry is complex, particularly within the United States. There are instances where the task at hand involves simplifying complicated subjects within an ever-changing landscape.

Last, healthcare is profoundly personal.

11What makes your country unique in the health industry?
The United States is the only developed country that does not provide universal healthcare. It's also home to world-renowned institutions and organizations that are responsible for numerous ground-breaking achievements.
12Where do you see the evolution of the health industry going over the next 5-10 years?

I anticipate that more organizations will continue to invest in analyzing the social determinants of health, aiming to better predict, prevent and improve the health of individuals and communities.

Additionally, I envision a significant integration of AI into healthcare. These technologies already play a role in predicting patient outcomes and trends, and they are likely to evolve into tools that aid providers in better diagnosis and communication. I see AI also assisting patients in gaining a better understanding of their own health.

13Who has inspired you in your life and why?
My mother is an artist. She can draw, paint, and sew, among other things. She puts a lot of energy into her projects, even the seemingly small ones. Because she is creative, she made sure to cultivate my own creativity. She continues to champion me throughout my career.
14What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
The difference between good and great lies in the details.

Winning Entries

Taylor Preston


Over a decade, Taylor Preston has created award-winning ad campaigns, including healthcare brands. As a creative director, she leads the team in crafting standout, strategically aligned campaigns.

Read more about this interview with Haden Hamblin from the United States, the Platinum Winner of the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards.
