Interview with Scott Berry from the United States

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Scott Berry

Scott Berry is the CMO and President of MarketCrest, LLC. After nearly two decades as a senior executive in billion-dollar marketing communication companies, he founded MarketCrest, a seven-figure full-service digital marketing agency. He manages the Content, Search Engine Marketing, and Social Media Directors, and contributes to the campaign strategy for their largest clients.

1Please provide us with a brief bio of yourself.

Hello, I’m Scott Berry, the CMO and President of MarketCrest, LLC. After nearly two decades as a senior executive in billion-dollar public and private marketing communication companies, I founded MarketCrest, LLC, a seven-figure full-service digital marketing agency.

Additionally, I have had the honor of serving on the Grand Jury Judging Panel for the Vega, MUSE, and TITAN Brands.

2What is your role in the company?
I manage the agency’s Content, Search Engine Marketing, and Social Media Directors, and I also contribute to the campaign strategy for our largest clients.
3Please tell us more about your organization.

MarketCrest is a boutique, full-service, digital agency serving law firms in the U. S. We help firms earn their own inquiries/leads through search engine marketing, eliminating the need to purchase leads and share them with multiple other law firms.

Potential clients searching online for an attorney might find our clients through website content, Google Business profiles, social media channels, YouTube videos, press releases, business directories, Google or social media advertisements, guest podcasts, photography, or email marketing. The agency tracks all inquiries and campaign ROI and coaches law firms on best practices for intake, thereby increasing close ratios and cases.

4Describe the industry your organization is specialized in, as well as its main characteristics.

MarketCrest specializes in marketing and advertising for Immigration Attorneys. We’ve served the immigration law firm community since 2016 and spent 2 years embedded inside an immigration law firm, learning the entire intake process and operational challenges associated with attracting new inquiries, turning them into cases, and ultimately, happy clients eager to refer.

We have written hundreds of immigration law articles for clients, hosted the Immigration Nation Podcast (, and created a “wiki” type resource database with best practice systems to help immigration law firms scale.

5Congratulations! As the winner of the TITAN Business Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

This is our very first TITAN award, and the fact that it was for immigration law firm marketing campaign results makes it incredibly sweet. We’ve always said that you aren’t elite until an objective 3rd party says you’re elite.

Our immigration law firm campaigns have earned us win in MUSE, Vega, and now a TITAN! We are absolutely over the moon right now. Thank you from the entire MarketCrest team.

6How has winning an international award help promote your organization?

Our agency is thankful for the promotional packages the award program puts together for winners. It makes it easier to spread the news using the media package (logos, certificates, beautiful statuettes, prewritten press release copy, and more). We then post on our social media channels and the website and run a digital press release with the suggested copy.

We also mention the award in our monthly webinar to help build credibility that these campaigns and tactics drive real and oversized results in the immigration law firm marketing space. Of course, we have a trophy shelf that people enjoy when they come to our office to record video, audio, or podcasts.

7What are the challenges of developing / marketing your winning entry(ies)?
The challenge has always been finding the time to promote success meaningfully. The TITAN Business Awards make marketing our success as easy as possible. Promotion is done properly for maximum impact but with the least investment or agency disruption on our part.
8What is your own definition of a successful team / organization / business?

First and foremost a successful marketing agency is consistently financially stable and viable. They make a noticeable financial impact on their clients (Return On Marketing Investment), and client satisfaction is 5 Stars. Employees are talented, and turnover is rare, with team members contributing for many years at a high level.

Finally, the business/agency is recognized by clients as successful and best in class, and the industry itself recognizes that the business is elite. This is where recognition from the TITAN Business Awards makes a difference.

9What led you / your organization to become successful within the industry you are currently in?
We earned our first immigration law client in 2016 when they had only 5 employees and billed $870k annually. We took them to $5 million in just over 24 months; the rest is history. Word spread rapidly, and soon, there were clients in over 10 major cities. We learned from each new client as we entered additional cities and markets. Our team learned to work in Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Punjabi, and even Chinese!
10What are the current trends in the business industry that you are most excited about?

The question of how law firms and marketing agencies should use AI to be more efficient and effective is a major topic. It will take some time for the realities of how to apply the tool to daily work, but every few months, it becomes more clear which apps are useful and which are not.

The industry has only scratched the surface of what AI means for lawyers and marketers, and it’s too early to know what usage will look like in a few years. But rest assured, it will be a normal part of our everyday work life.

11What resources would you recommend to someone who is searching to improve their business prospects and organizational success?
We believe in reading nonstop every day. The team is always digging into top books by people who have successfully overcome some of the challenges we face as an agency (or a small business, for that matter). Be a sponge and soak up as many books, articles, podcasts, and webinars as possible—learners win.
12Who inspired you in your life, and why?
I was blessed to have a highly successful career in the corporate world, which included superior training, coaching, and opportunities to advance. This education and experience prepared me to launch multiple small businesses and see them grow into 7 figure award-winning companies.
13What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
For agency owners I would say be flexible, resilient, and relentless. Sometimes its two steps forward and 1 step back. But you’re still a step forward!!! Never get too high or too low. And no matter what…never, ever stop or give up. The next big thing is right around the corner. And never stop learning.

Winning Entry

SEM Campaign case study I | 2024

SEM Campaign

Scott Berry

MarketCrest LLC

Scott Berry is the CMO and President of MarketCrest, LLC. After nearly two decades as a senior executive in billion-dollar marketing communication companies, he founded MarketCrest, a seven-figure full-service digital marketing agency. He manages the Content, Search Engine Marketing, and Social Media Directors, and contributes to the campaign strategy for their largest clients.

Read more about Scott Berry's interview, the CMO and President of MarketCrest LLC from the United States with the 2024 NYX Awards.
