Interview with Qingdi Shi from China

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Qingdi Shi

Qingdi Shi graduated from Monash University and is a design director at BroadMesse International Co., Ltd. He has a design background from the Sanxingdui Ruins Museum and a passion for creating eye-catching pieces. Shi enjoys using design to bring convenience and happiness to people.

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your design background.

My name is Qingdi Shi. I graduated from Monash University. The design background comes from the Sanxingdui Ruins Museum.

2What made you become/why did you choose to become a designer/artist?
I have an innate sensitivity to observation and sensitivity to emotions.
3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.
I am the design director of BroadMesse International Co., Ltd. Mainly lead the team to carry out exhibition hall design work.
4 What does “design” mean to you?
Good design will bring convenience and happiness to people.
5What’s your favorite kind of design and why?
I love design pieces that catch the eye.
6To you, what makes a “good” design?
Good design often attracts users to experience it.
7Describe your design style and its main characteristics.
I usually use bold and bright colors in my designs because I believe colors can lead to emotions.
8Tell us about your design process.
In the early stages of this design, I studied a lot of archaeological data and had a lot of communication with teachers from the Sanxingdui Museum. Clarify the location and direction of the new museum. And inspected a large number of exhibition halls with related themes.
9Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your design process?

My country has 5,000 years of historical material roots. As a relatively distinctive ancient Chinese Shu culture, it can be related to the culture of the Central Plains.

10Congratulations! As the winner of the 2024 MUSE Design Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?
This award gives me great motivation, and I hope to continue to produce more of my work in the future.
11Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 MUSE Design Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

As a site discovered in the 20th century, Sanxingdui has had a huge impact not only on China but also on the world.

12What was the biggest challenge with this project?

This project has attracted many outstanding companies in the industry to compete, which is a good opportunity to learn from each other.

13How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?

My recognition by the MUSE jury will make me even more excited about my future design work.

14What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
  1. Professional.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Strong timeliness.
15What makes your country specifically, unique in the design industry?

China has experienced many highly developed dynasties in history and has made many cultural contributions to the world.

16Where do you see the evolution of design industry going over the next 5-10 years?

Due to the impact of AI on the industry. In the future, designs will become more homogeneous, so distinctive inspiration is crucial.

17If you were a student entering this industry or an aspiring MUSE Design Awards submitter, what advice would you give them?

There are huge opportunities for a new generation of graduates. Be bold and do it.

18What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the design industry?

Excellent work from major design websites.

19Tell us something you have never told anyone else.

There is so much we can learn from each other.

20Who has inspired you in your life and why?

My parents. They were my first users.

21What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

Calm down.

22Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?
Thank you MUSE Design Awards!

Winning Entry

Journey to Ancient Shu Civilization in China | 2024

Journey to Ancient Shu Civilization in China | MUSE Design Awards

Qingdi Shi

BroadMesse International Co. Ltd.

Qingdi Shi graduated from Monash University and is a design director at BroadMesse International Co., Ltd. He has a design background from the Sanxingdui Ruins Museum and a passion for creating eye-catching pieces. Shi enjoys using design to bring convenience and happiness to people.

Read more about this interview with Zihao Yu from China, the Gold Winner of the 2024 MUSE Design Awards.
