Interview with Nan He from United States

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Nan He

Nan He is a passionate artist who dedicates her art to revitalizing and reshaping traditional nomadic culture through her artwork to which she draws inspiration from her multicultural background.

Interview with the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards Winner -
Nan He

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your creative background.
I am an artist of Chinese Mongol descent, dedicated to revitalizing and reshaping traditional nomadic culture through my artistic endeavors. Drawing inspiration from my multicultural background, I actively strive to bridge gaps between individuals from diverse cultures. I obtained my BFA in Graphic Design from Virginia Commonwealth University. The recognition I have garnered has afforded me exposure in media outlets such as China News.
2Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.

I am a multifaceted creative professional specializing in graphic design, visual art, and UX design. My artistic approach revolves around leveraging visuals, usability, systems and technology to create impactful and engaging experiences.

Currently, I hold the responsibilities of handling branding, publication design, and product design at FDAAF. These roles allow me to apply my expertise in crafting cohesive and visually compelling designs across various mediums.

3What does “creativity” mean to you?

To me, creativity encompasses the ability to recognize and tackle the challenges and frustrations that people encounter in their everyday lives. It involves employing innovative approaches to transform these difficulties into meaningful and impactful outcomes.

While the final result may not always manifest as a practical solution or a tangible product, I firmly believe that art and speculative designs hold tremendous potential in generating awareness and value that should not be underestimated. Creativity goes beyond problem-solving; it has the power to inspire, provoke thought, and spark positive change.

4Describe your creative style and its main characteristics.

My creative style is characterized by pushing the boundaries and experimenting with new methods to offer a fresh and entertaining perspective to my work. I believe that being courageous and willing to take risks is essential for developing original and innovative designs.

While I do adhere to certain norms and guidelines, I enjoy playing with them and testing their boundaries. To ensure that my designs are of the highest quality, I am patient and exacting in my crafting process.

5Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your creativity process?

The richness of cultural diversity that I have encountered has significantly influenced my creative process, shaping the way I approach and perceive the world. This exposure has provided me with valuable insights into cross-cultural communication and has become a wellspring of inspiration for generating new and innovative ideas.

This project aimed to foster communication and understanding among individuals from diverse cultural, political, and religious backgrounds. To achieve this, I employed the use of intuitive numbers as a universal language, allowing users to transcend cultural barriers and explore new foods and ideas together.

The inspiration for "Equations" stemmed from my personal experiences with cultural diversity and the recognition of the importance of finding common ground and shared experiences. This project not only embodies my commitment to cross-cultural communication but also serves as a testament to the transformative power of creative endeavors in fostering understanding and harmony among people from different walks of life.

6Congratulations! As the winner of the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?

Winning this award is a recognition of our non-profit public welfare project. Unlike other commercial projects that have tangible economic value, the award-winning project is more like a feedback to the society through the knowledge of different disciplines as a caring project for the society.

Therefore, recognition from society and the industry is particularly important, which can constantly motivate me to continue to do more public welfare projects like this in the future.

7Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

The client requested a booklet to raise awareness about the COVID vaccine for children under 5 years old. The focus was on reducing the fear of needles associated with the vaccination process. I created a bright and joyful design for the booklet to alleviate anxiety for parents and children alike. I used minimal text and visualized information to save time for busy parents in the hospital.

I chose to enter this project into the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards because it is a non-profit initiative aimed at helping families. I believe this project has the potential to make a difference in people's lives, and winning the award would give it more exposure to reach more families in need.

8What was the biggest challenge with this project?

What I found to be the biggest challenge with this project was navigating the interdisciplinary nature of combining creativity and art with the medical field. These two domains have significant differences, with medical practices prioritizing scientific accuracy and strict regulations, while art values creative expression and freedom.

Therefore, to practice creativity and art in the medical industry, I had to possess interdisciplinary knowledge and skills and establish good communication and collaboration between these two fields. Working closely with nursing professionals was essential to ensure that the content and wording of the booklet were accurate and not misleading, as any misinformation could potentially cause harm.

Overcoming the boundaries between these different subjects required mutual education and open communication, making it a valuable learning experience overall.

9What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
My favorite things about the design industry are its appreciation of diversity which fuels its growth; its ability to enhance the quality of life; and the countless opportunities for exploration and discovery within the field.
10Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?

My prediction is that the creative industry will undergo major changes due to the rapid advancement of technology. New technological developments will bring both benefits and challenges to the industry, and it's likely that the system of the industry will shift as a result.

Similar to how the design industry emerged a century ago and UI/UX design became prominent 20 years ago, I believe the field of creativity will continue to evolve in unpredictable ways over the next 5-10 years.

11What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the creative industry?
If you're already a designer working in the industry, improving your skills might not be your top priority. Instead, it's important to keep your mind sharp and stay up-to-date with new ideas and trends. One great resource for this is podcasts. They're an efficient way to hear refreshing ideas and gain new perspectives. I believe that keeping your mind loaded with knowledge will help you learn the right skills and make smart choices in your career.
12Who has inspired you in your life and why?
I have been inspired by all of my friends throughout my life. Since leaving home for school at the age of 13, I have always been surrounded by friends who have acted as my teachers, textbooks, and even my playmates. I consider my friendships to be among the most valuable and precious things in my life.
13What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

Success can be defined in many different ways, but for me, it's about feeling fulfilled by accomplishing something, whether it's a major project or a small task. In my experience, the key to achieving any goal is to approach it persistently and develop a habit of working towards it regularly.

In parting, I would advise others to stay focused on their goals, work hard, and be persistent, and remember that success is a journey, not a destination.

14Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?
I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to discuss my identity as a designer, rather than solely presenting design choices to clients as I do in my day job. This interview has allowed me to take a break from work and reflect on myself, my motivations for choosing this industry, and how I have evolved over time. It has been a valuable learning experience for me.

Winning Entry

Needles are not that scary | 2023

Needles are not that scary | Nan He
Covid vaccine been approved for kids under 5 years old. The client want to create a booklet to spread the awareness ...
(Read more at MUSE Creative Awards)

Nan He

Nan He is a passionate artist who dedicates her art to revitalizing and reshaping traditional nomadic culture through her artwork to which she draws inspiration from her multicultural background.

Read more about this interview with Tina Waru from Australia, the Gold Winner of the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards.
