Interview with Michele Mardorf for Colliding Waves

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Michele Mardorf

Michele Mardorf is a multicultural Art Director with a global perspective, living in Spain, Peru, and St. Maarten before moving to the United States in 2015. She blends strategic creativity with a love of innovation, seeking to bridge cultural divides through her work. She has experience at Mass Appeal, Dreamville, Apple, and beyond, and is driven to contribute to the intersection of entertainment, culture, and innovation.

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your background.

Hi, my name is Michele Mardorf. I am a multicultural Art Director with a global perspective, having lived in Spain, Peru, and St. Maarten before moving to the United States in 2015. Raised by a Peruvian artist and a German musician, I developed a deep passion for music, culture, and visual storytelling. With experience at Mass Appeal, Dreamville, Apple, and beyond, I blend strategic creativity with a love of innovation, constantly seeking to bridge cultural divides through my work.

2What inspired you to be involved in your respective industry?

Growing up immersed in diverse cultures and surrounded by music from my father's guitar to my mother's salsa singing, I developed a deep passion for the power of music and storytelling. My multicultural background, combined with experiences with music/tech/sports companies, ignited my drive to contribute to the intersection of entertainment, culture, and innovation. Being part of projects that celebrate diversity, push boundaries, and create meaningful connections fuels my inspiration to make a positive impact in the industry.

3What is your role in the agency, and what traits should a marketing communications professional possess to be successful in their role?

My role as an Art Director, where I currently work, revolves around conceptualizing and executing creative campaigns that often involve working with talent and music, with the goal that the final result resonates with our audience and clients.

Successful creative professionals in the advertising field should have a sense of good taste, a keen eye for visual storytelling, a deep understanding of cultural insights, and the ability to translate ideas into compelling visuals that drive engagement. In addition, adaptability, collaboration, and a passion for innovation are essential traits in navigating the dynamic reality of today's cultural landscape and achieving success.

4Tell us more about your agency/company.

Mass Appeal, founded by the iconic Nas, stands as a cornerstone of cultural innovation, embodying excellence and creativity within the industry. As a premier destination for creative visionaries, Mass Appeal curates and produces cutting-edge content, immersive experiences, and ground-breaking campaigns that resonate globally.

With a roster of leading brands and cultural influencers, Mass Appeal provides an unparalleled platform for talent to thrive, shape the cultural landscape, and leave a lasting mark on the world.

5What do you think is the definition of a successful marketing, media or communications project / presentation?
A successful marketing, media, or communication project/presentation is like a captivating story that connects with its audience on a personal level, leaving a lasting impression. It's about more than just numbers; it's about arousing genuine interest, evoking emotions, and inspiring action. Success comes from understanding people's needs and desires, crafting compelling narratives, and delivering messages that truly resonate with them.
6Describe your preference or style of work and how it benefits your career.

My work style is deeply influenced by my multicultural upbringing, where I learned the value of embracing diversity and different perspectives. I prefer collaborative environments where creativity flourishes, and I'm known for my hands-on approach and adaptability. Drawing on my diverse experiences and personal passions, I bring a unique perspective to every project, fostering innovation and driving success in my career.

7Tell us about your ideation process.

When it comes to ideation, I start with a thorough research phase, diving into the audience, product, and industry landscape. Next, I get into visual inspiration, drawing references from platforms like Pinterest and Behance to ignite my creativity.

Once I've gathered ideas, I dive into execution, iterating through multiple rounds of revisions to ensure both my standards and the client's expectations are met.

Finally, I inject an extra layer of innovation or interactivity, always striving to go beyond initial goals and deliver something truly impactful.

8Congratulations! As the winner of the NYX Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

Winning the NYX Awards is a personal triumph, affirming the value of my creative journey and the depth of my commitment to my craft. It is a moment of self-recognition, validating the countless hours invested in ideation and execution. Beyond external accolades, it's about internal fulfillment, a reminder of the joy I find in the creative process itself.

9How has winning an international award help to promote your agency and projects?

Winning an international award helps foster greater recognition within the industry and opens up new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

10What are the challenges of your winning entry(s)?

The challenges of our winning entries focus on maintaining consistency in delivering high-quality work while also pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

11How has the country you are based in helped during your ideation process?

Living in the United States has shaped how I come up with ideas. Being around the vibrant entertainment scene here keeps me inspired and thinking creatively. Plus, the mix of cultures and ideas I encounter every day broadens my horizons and makes my work more interesting. It's like every project is a new adventure, and I love exploring different ways to make it special.

12What are the current trends in the marketing communications industry that you are most excited about?

I'm excited about the growing trend of immersive storytelling in advertising. It's all about creating experiences that truly engage and captivate audiences, whether through interactive content, virtual reality, or immersive brand activations. Another trend I'm keeping an eye on is the rise of influencer marketing and its evolution towards more authentic and meaningful partnerships.

13What are the top three (3) favorite things about the marketing communications industry?
What I love most is the endless creativity that this industry allows. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to innovate and experiment. I'm also passionate about the power of storytelling to connect people, create a sense of community, and evoke emotions.

Whether through a compelling advertising campaign or a thought-provoking piece of content, storytelling has the power to inspire, educate, and entertain. Finally, I appreciate the dynamic nature of these industries. They're always evolving with new technologies, trends, and platforms, keeping things fresh and exciting.

14What resources would you recommend to someone who is searching to improve their ideas and concepts?

To improve your ideas and concepts, try diversifying your media intake. Explore books, podcasts, documentaries, and films for inspiration. Online platforms like TED Talks and industry blogs offer valuable insights while networking with professionals can provide mentorship and collaboration opportunities.

15Where do you see the evolution of the marketing industry in the next 5-10 years?

I would love to see a continued fusion of technology and storytelling in the industry. With the rise of AI and other innovations, personalized content delivery will become even more prevalent, shaping the way brands connect with audiences.

I am also very much looking forward to the growing importance of ethical and inclusive practices driving industry development as consumers demand authenticity and social responsibility from the brands they engage with.

16Who inspired you in your life, and why?

In terms of my creative expression, both professionally and personally, I'm drawn to the innovative sounds and ideas of artists like Kendrick Lamar, whose music and creative approach fuel my creative process. Individuals like Rick Rubin, with their ability to break boundaries in the creative realm, motivate me to push my limits.

Visionaries such as Es Devlin, known for their transformative stage designs, inspire me to think outside the box and imagine new possibilities in my work.

17What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

For me, the key to success lies in being a lifelong student of my craft, always looking for new ways to learn and grow, while also staying consistent and determined. I believe in embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and staying true to my passion for creativity and innovation.

My parting words would be to trust in your abilities, stay curious, always bet on yourself, and never stop exploring new horizons in pursuit of your dreams and aspirations.

18Do you have anything else you would like to add for the interview?
As I reflect on this interview, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my journey and experiences. It was a humbling reminder of the importance of authenticity, perseverance, and continuous self-improvement in both personal and professional endeavors. Thank you for your thoughtful questions.

Winning Entry

Colliding Waves | 2024

Colliding Waves | NYX Awards
Colliding Waves is a two-day multi sensorial, immersive, audiovisual experience for Hip Hop, R&B, and art lovers who are looking to experience music in a new way. Hosted at the Pérez Art Museum Miami in partnership with ...
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Michele Mardorf / Mass Appeal

Michele Mardorf is a multicultural Art Director with a global perspective, living in Spain, Peru, and St. Maarten before moving to the United States in 2015. She blends strategic creativity with a love of innovation, seeking to bridge cultural divides through her work. She has experience at Mass Appeal, Dreamville, Apple, and beyond, and is driven to contribute to the intersection of entertainment, culture, and innovation.

Read more about this interview with Mackenzie Costa from the United States, the Gold Winner of the 2024 NYX Awards.
