Interview with Masahiro Okumura from Japan

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Masahiro Okumura

Masahiro Okumura, from syukoc.foodphoto, is a food photographer based in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan. His photography journey began while working at a facility for the disabled that produced and sold sweets, where he started taking photos for promotional purposes.

1Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?
My name is Masahiro Okumura from syukoc.foodphoto. I work as a food photographer in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, the center of Japan. I started taking photos when I was working at a facility for the disabled that was making and selling sweets, and I started taking photos for promotional purposes. Now that I have moved to a different office, I am not directly involved, but I am in charge of taking photos.
2Where did you study photography?
At first I was self-taught, but a few years ago I began studying with art director Kazumi Nishimoto and studying camera photography techniques.
3Do you remember your first shot? What was it?
The first thing I photographed for work was pudding. I remember taking many photos and thinking about how I could take photos that would make me feel good, even though I didn't know anything about it.
4What equipment do you use?
I don't use that many devices. I only have one Canon APS-C camera, one Godox MS300, a diffuser, and a reflex camera. All that's left is the wallpaper
5What compliment inspired/touched you the most?
Shoya Kubota, the photographer who inspired me to start photographing food, saw my Instagram and sent me a message. I can't put it into words, but it has greatly influenced my work as a food photographer. I still keep in touch with them and am learning a lot from them.
6What inspires your unique storytelling?
Think about how to organize the environment while making the food the main character. There are many cases where I decide on the accessories first and the main character later, but I always make the food the main character.
7What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?
Food, image and freedom.
8Congratulations! As the winner of the MUSE Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?
I think that the fact that we were able to receive acclaim at a photo exhibition where people from all over the world submit their works will be useful in our future activities.
9Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 MUSE Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?
I decided to participate because I thought that by testing my skills at an award event where photographers from all over the world participate, I would be able to understand where I am now, with the aim of working internationally.
10How has winning an award developed your career?
This is still my second career, and I think it's something I'll build on in the future.
11Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.
Kazutami Nishimoto and Shoya Kubota!
12What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?
I've just started working in photography and don't have much experience but I'd be happy to receive advice like that in the future.
13What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?
You could focus on learning the technical details of photography or just select photos you personally think feels good for you.
14What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Success is yet to come but I am pretty excited about it!
15How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?
I'm getting older, but I want to live a fulfilling life so that I can enjoy and accept new things.
16Anything else you would like to add to the interview?
I'm still in my infancy as a photographer, so I'd like to aim for even greater heights in my work.

Winning Entry

one morning | 2024

one morning | Masahiro Okumura
French toast wrapped in light from the window on a cold morning. I woke up, drawn by the gentle smell. While remembering that ...
(Read more at MUSE Photography Awards)

Masahiro Okumura

Masahiro Okumura, from syukoc.foodphoto, is a food photographer based in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan. His photography journey began while working at a facility for the disabled that produced and sold sweets, where he started taking photos for promotional purposes.

Read more about this interview with Mateusz Brejnak from Poland, the Silver Winner of the 2024 MUSE Photography Awards.
