Interview with Mahzad Yousefi from the United States

Weiling Gao | MUSE Design Awards
Interview with Weilong Gao from the United States
July 3, 2024
Xinyue Deng | NY Architectural Design Awards
Interview with Xinyue Geng of Kohn Pedersen Fox
July 3, 2024

Mahzad Yousefi

Mahzad Yousefi is a passionate veterinarian and emergency manager from Iran, now embarking on an exciting new chapter in the United States. Her journey has been driven by a commitment to animal care and crisis management, and she is thrilled to bring her expertise to a new environment.

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your design background.
Hello! I’m Mahzad Yousefi, a passionate veterinarian and emergency manager from Iran, now embarking on an exciting new chapter in the United States. My journey has been driven by a commitment to animal care and crisis management, and I’m thrilled to bring my expertise to a new environment.
2What does “design” mean to you?
From my perspective, design mirrors the lifecycle we experience: birth, growth, and eventually, an end. When a designer begins to create, they are breathing life into an idea, giving it a unique existence. Each design evolves, matures, and leaves a lasting impact, embodying a journey much like our own.
3To you, what makes a “good” design?

In my view, innovation is the key to transforming any design and product into something truly exceptional. It has the power to make a design stand out by infusing it with a sense of uniqueness and originality that cannot be replicated. Innovation brings a distinct appeal to products, making them not only desirable but also memorable.

By continually pushing the boundaries of creativity and incorporating fresh, inventive ideas, designs become more captivating and engaging. This constant drive for innovation ensures that products remain relevant and highly sought after, leaving a lasting impression on their audience and setting new standards in the industry.

4Describe your design style and its main characteristics.

My design is currently conceptual, but I am eager to see it brought to life in the near future. The Veterinary Mobile Package (VMP) represents a groundbreaking solution aimed at equipping veterinarians with a fully portable clinic.

This innovative design ensures that essential veterinary services can be delivered seamlessly in various locations, whether for routine examinations or in response to emergencies and disasters. The VMP’s mobility and comprehensive features make it an invaluable tool for veterinarians, allowing them to provide high-quality care in any setting, thereby enhancing the reach and effectiveness of their services.

5Tell us about your design process.

This idea came to my mind when I was in the first semester of healthcare emergency management at Boston University.

At first, I made a very basic sketch of it and then improved it with different software and applications, I have to add that I had the help of professionals with a high level of skills in this matter.

6Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your design process?

No! This design is not just a random idea; it is based on a real need and comes from someone who understands it from multiple perspectives. As both a veterinarian and an emergency manager, I have a unique vantage point that allows me to perceive the critical necessity for such a solution.

The Veterinary Mobile Package (VMP) is designed with these dual insights in mind, ensuring that it addresses the practical challenges faced by veterinarians in various scenarios.

7Congratulations! As the winner of the 2024 MUSE Design Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?

This is no ordinary prize for me! It represents the first time I truly believed in myself and had the courage to share my ideas. When I learned that the committee appreciated my design and announced me as a winner, I was overjoyed.

This recognition reinforced my confidence and made me realize that I should continue to believe in myself and the path I've chosen, growing more assured with each passing day.

8What was the biggest challenge with this project?
Opening the baggage and converting it into an examination table was a breakthrough. Initially, I had many ideas, but I chose the simplest and most convenient. This experience has shown me the power of simplicity and inspired me to keep innovating.
9How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?
It was a new gateway to success in both my roles as a veterinarian and an emergency and crisis manager, opening up opportunities I had never imagined. This achievement has fueled my passion and commitment to making a difference in both fields.
10What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
I revel in the fact that this field is globally-recognized, inclusive and it's highly innovative too!
11Who has inspired you in your life and why?
Me and myself! My biggest inspiration was myself because I turned my ideas into fruition and the fact that it won a medal in an international platform definitely cemented my victory!
12What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Believe in yourselves, your thoughts, ideas, and dreams!

Winning Entry

VMP | 2024

VMP | Mahzed Yousefi

Mahzad Yousefi

Mahzad Yousefi is a passionate veterinarian and emergency manager from Iran, now embarking on an exciting new chapter in the United States. Her journey has been driven by a commitment to animal care and crisis management, and she is thrilled to bring her expertise to a new environment.

Read more about this interview with Weilong Gao from the United States, the Platinum Winner of the 2024 MUSE Design Awards.
