Interview with Kristian Liebrand from Germany

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Kristian Liebrand

Kristian Liebrand is a committed professional photographer with a distinct expertise in the art of nude photography, particularly in portraying the elegance of women. Since 2008, this has constituted his sole area of concentration.

Interview With The 2023 London Photography Awards Winner – Kristian Liebrand

1Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?

I am Kristian Liebrand, a dedicated professional photographer with a unique specialisation in capturing the beauty of women through nude photography. Since 2008, this has been my exclusive focus.

Operating from my photography studio located in Germany, I attract clients from various parts of Europe who seek my expertise. Moreover, my work takes me across the globe as I undertake photoshoots in diverse locations worldwide.

2Where did you study photography?
I made a conscious decision not to study photography, not to do an internship, and never to do a photography workshop. On the one hand, I am passionately self-taught and on the other hand, I do not want to follow the same paths as everyone else before. That would limit me in my creativity and development.
3Do you remember your first shot? What was it?
My first photo shoot was at a wedding where I spontaneously filled in for the out-of-touch wedding photographer.
4What equipment do you use?
To be honest, I find that equipment are quite unnecessary. It hardly makes a difference which manufacturer the camera is from and whether the camera costs $1000 or $10,000. Technology is only a tool and is far too often overestimated. Much more important are these two things: eyes and mind!
5What do you hope to achieve?
I want to inspire as many people as possible with my photographic art, let them escape from everyday life for a moment and also show that nude photography can be art and should not satisfy simple voyeuristic needs.
6What compliment inspired/touched you the most?
I find that my favourite compliments that has the most meaning comes from someone who has really dealt and observed with the picture and not just looked at it for 1 second.
7What inspires your unique storytelling?
Drawing inspiration from a multitude of sources, my creative wellspring is enriched by both the nuances of everyday life and the many experiences gained from my extensive travels.
8What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?



Not porn.

9Congratulations! As the winner of the 2023 London Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?
It is truly a great honour and luck to receive an award among the many great photo artists. Every award is a wonderful recognition of the work and an incredible motivational boost for me!
10Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2023 London Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?
I carefully selected these pieces due to their distinctive nature. From my perspective, they possess a rare quality that uniquely showcases the aesthetic allure of women. Each work encapsulates a special essence, emphasizing the captivating beauty that women embody.
11How has winning an award developed your career?

Every award not only validates my artistic vision but also instils in me a profound sense of motivation. The acknowledgment of my work's merit fuels my determination to push creative boundaries further.

As I look ahead to upcoming competitions, I'm inspired to delve deeper into the realm of nude photography, seeking to craft new and captivating interpretations that stand out and leave a lasting impact. The prospect of these challenges invigorates my artistic spirit and propels me to constantly evolve and refine my craft.

12Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.
I prefer to spend my time in developing my own style and not get distracted by other works. This would explain why I hardly look at what others are producing.
13What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?
It’s a tough road ahead. Keep going and pay no mind to what others have to say. Shield yourself from the noise of external opinions, allowing your inner conviction to guide you. The path you're treading might be strenuous but it's your determination and self-belief that will ultimately lead you to success.
14What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Sharpen your eyes and sense to create special photos.

Winning Entries

Kristian Liebrand

Kristian Liebrand is a committed professional photographer with a distinct expertise in the art of nude photography, particularly in portraying the elegance of women. Since 2008, this has constituted his sole area of concentration.

Read more about this interview with Rares Besliu from Romania, the Platinum Winner of the 2023 London Photography Awards.
