Interview with Joydeep Pal from the United Kingdom

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Joydeep Pal

Joydeep Pal is an entrepreneur based in the UK who created Foodinjoy to improve the quality of life on Earth. He drew on his background in music, art, and business to develop his creative approach. He draws inspiration from nature and blends different artistic forms to create unique visual experiences. Pal believes that creativity can be a superpower if used properly.

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your creative background.

I am a UK-based entrepreneur on a mission to improve the quality of life on Earth through my venture Foodinjoy. My foray into the creative field began when I started training as a vocalist and painter. Fast forward, the major creative burst occurred while designing and modeling crystalline structures during my PhD in electronics at the University of Manchester. After that, I was intrigued by the world of storytelling and visual design during my MBA course at Alliance Manchester Business School.

I take inspiration from the different forms of artistic expression in nature and love to blend them into a new creative form, a visual treat for the audience.

2What made you become/why did you choose to become a creative?

Coming from a creative family background, I grew up with different creative forms, be it dance, singing, painting, or sculpture. I understood the importance of a creative mind and if used properly, it can be a superpower to bring your imagination to life. Over time, I always got involved in one art form or another to sharpen up my creative side.

3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.

I am on a mission to improve the quality of life on Earth. In my current venture, Foodinjoy, my vision is to build the next Google for food & groceries, which reduces waste, reduces carbon footprint, and enables sustainable food retail.

I strongly believe in empowering people to innovate, choose, and have a long-lasting impact. Even at this early stage, Foodinjoy app users walked over 30 million steps and scanned over 5.5 million product offers/deals in less than 24 months since launch. We are humbled as our hard work is getting noticed and has won many international accolades and endorsements.

Working on your business idea is always exciting and currently, I lead the entire product and marketing division from UX/UI, and product design to creatives/campaigns.

Outside office hours, you will find me at two UK-based charities experimenting with innovative ways to market to target consumers.

4What does “creativity” mean to you?

Creativity is the power to bring abstract ideas to life and improve the quality of life on this planet. The more we practice, the better we become at creating and communicating with others.

5To you, what makes a “creative” idea and/or design?

For me, a creative idea and/or design breaks the norm and ventures into something beyond. In most cases, people get stuck in mediocrity by sticking to industry/sector/form norms. I look forward to ideas/designs that create new perspectives as they can become real game changers.

6Tell us about your creative and/or design process.

I follow a four-step process:

  1. Understand the context and/or design briefly.
  2. Discover if the idea/product/campaign is a painkiller or vitamin for the target consumers.
  3. Create prototype/initial design samples and run A/B experiments to find acceptance.
  4. Refine the creative/design based on A/B test results.
7What's your favorite part of the creative process and why?
Out of the four-step process mentioned earlier, I enjoy Steps 2 and 3 because I can understand consumer behavior and how the idea/product/campaign fits consumers' wants.
8Describe your creative style and its main characteristics.

A picture is worth a thousand words. However, that being said, I prefer a fine balance between visual and text. Visual storytelling is a way to capture the consumer's mind when you can easily get distracted these days. Simple, yet vibrant and useful creativity always works better.

9Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your creativity process?

Absolutely! The diverse elements of Indian culture, history, and vibrant art forms shaped my creativity process where diversity and inclusivity remain at the core.

10Congratulations! As the winner of the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?

It is an honor to be named the winner of the MUSE Award for our mobile app, launched earlier in 2023. This is the second time we have hit Gold as we were awarded the same category for our first version of the app in 2022. It was a real team effort and the award will boost morale.

11Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

As an independent, award-winning consumer technology and market research company, Foodinjoy is on a mission to improve the quality of life on Earth by solving one problem at a time. We are trying to enable sustainable retail in the food and beverage sector by reimagining the food journey for today's digital consumers. We created this app with that in mind.

Our consumer app is a one-stop shop that helps consumers save money on groceries, cook better meals, and live more sustainably. With more than 60,000 grocery products, 3,500+ recipes, and a daily step tracker, Foodinjoy is the perfect app for anyone looking to improve their lifestyle and get rewarded. With an in-house team of experienced researchers and analysts, Foodinjoy presents unique data-driven AI/Market Research insights to communicate changing shopper demands on different aspects and challenges in the UK food and grocery sector.

I think we created a game-changing app with advanced consumer-focused features, so we decided to enter the MUSE Creative Awards 2024.

12What was the biggest challenge with this project?

Reimagining consumer journeys in a mature sector like food and grocery is highly challenging, given that the sector has already seen many advancements since the beginning of time.

As our mission is to adapt the journey for today's digital consumers, we ended up with a lifestyle app – consisting of three different user journeys all complimenting each other.

Keeping pace with changing habits due to the pandemic and cost of living crisis, we had to iterate and refine our designs several times and even business models accordingly.

13How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?

The brand recognition from such International awards helps to reach a wider audience and enhances the trust level in the consumer’s mind.

14What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?

While I could go for hours and hours, I would stick to the obvious ones:

  1. You are always challenged.
  2. No scope for getting bored.
  3. It is satisfying to find people who benefit from your work.
15What makes your country specifically, unique in the creative industry?
Living in a cosmopolitan city like London, UK gives you every opportunity to be inspired by the diverse, multicultural atmosphere. Growing up in India, I have imbibed multifaceted and unique creative expressions.
16Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?
The creative industry will change dramatically with the next wave of technological progress—more power for creators and a world of collaboration emphasizing improving the world.
17If you were a student entering this industry or an aspiring MUSE Creative Awards submitter, what advice would you give them?
Always focus on what you can do best and get inspired by all the good work done by other creators. Never lose your authenticity! You are unique! Getting an award is a by-product of your hard work.
18What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the creative industry?
Never stop learning! Always upgrade with the latest trends. I find Canva a very powerful tool for someone wanting to start up.
19Tell us something you have never told anyone else.
I am an individual with high functioning anxiety, who may appear calm on the outside but combating the turbulence within.
20Who has inspired you in your life and why?
My family has always inspired me and encouraged me to do what I wanted to do. In particular, my Mom has inculcated the creative side of me.
21What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Focus on the input and do your part. Results will follow.
22Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my family, friends, peers, and most importantly God for all the blessings.

Winning Entries

Foodinjoy: Good for planet, good for wallet, good for you | 2024

Foodinjoy: Good for planet, good for wallet, good for you | MUSE Creative Awards

Foodinjoy: Good for the planet, good for your wallet, good for you. This shiny new app has all the bells and whistles to make your life a breeze, like comparing savings on grocery baskets, knowing what …
(Read more at MUSE Creative Awards)

Sharodiya Parboni: Experience the Colors of Community. | 2024


BENGAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION (BHF) thrives to preserve and promote the heritage of India | Bharat and Bengal in the UK through cultural, educational, industrial, sporting and tourism avenues. We are …
(Read more at MUSE Creative Awards)

Joydeep Pal


Joydeep Pal is an entrepreneur based in the UK who created Foodinjoy to improve the quality of life on Earth. He drew on his background in music, art, and business to develop his creative approach. He draws inspiration from nature and blends different artistic forms to create unique visual experiences. Pal believes that creativity can be a superpower if used properly.

Read more about this interview with Jessica Kewei Lin for Campus Dining, the Gold Winner of the 2024 MUSE Creative Awards.
