Interview with GVivanco from Chile

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Known as GVivanco, Carlos Guevara is a Chilean photographer with a specialisation in nature and landscapes. He's also a Computer Engineer with an MBA in Finance from the University of Chile. Over 45 years of mountaineering, his photographic journeys have covered Chile extensively, from Lauca in the north to Antarctica in the south.

Interview With The 2023 European Photography Awards Winner – GVivanco

1Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?

My name is Carlos Guevara but I’m mostly go by GVivanco and I am a Chilean photographer that specialises in Nature and Landscapes. By profession, I am a Computer Engineer with a MBA in Finance from the University of Chile. With more than 45 years of activity as a mountaineer, my photographic projects include expeditions throughout Chile from Lauca in the extreme north to Antarctica.

From a very young age, I felt the need to transmit through images the emotions that I felt when observing the landscapes that amazed and provoked a sense of great appreciation. For many years I dreamed of being able to develop my talent as a photographer, today I feel that I still have an infinite path to travel, because one never stops learning and improving, however, the path already exists and it has begun. When one feels a passion for something it is impossible to stop, photography occupies a very important place in my life and it is really a passion and I want to live it as such.

2Where did you study photography?
While I'm mostly self-taught, I also hold a degree from the New York Institute of Photography (NYIP).
3Do you remember your first shot? What was it?
I really don't remember it because I started doing photography around the age of 12 but I believe it was my first time to the Andes Mountains. Even at that age, I always carried a small film camera.
4What equipment do you use?
I have migrated from Nikon to Sony. Currently, I use a small A6000, an A7RM2 and an A7RM4. My lenses are almost all from the GM series from the 16-35mm to the 200-600. My preferred lens is the 100-400 GM.
5What do you hope to achieve?
It's a difficult question but I hope to aspire people to do good by photographing images that arouse inspiring emotions.
6What compliment inspired/touched you the most?
In general, what inspires me the most is when my viewers tell me that one of my images has moved them and made them experience special feelings.
7What inspires your unique storytelling?
Nature inspires me and we humans have a lot to learn from it! I firmly believe that through it we can become better people. It is an infinite source of knowledge and inspiration and it is all around us, we just have to know how to connect with it.
8What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?
Passion, connection and admiration.
9Congratulations! As the winner of the European Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?
It is always important to be recognised in your field of work that one passionately embraces. It is an injection of optimism, vitality and support to continue growing in my passion.
10Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2023 European Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

What started as a photographic trip turned into a valuable life experience for myself. The photo "The portal of dreams" was taken on the 4th day of navigation in Antarctica, when we were sailing from the Chilean base Presidente Gabriel González Videla towards Lockroy Bay.

11How has winning an award developed your career?
As I already mentioned, international acknowledgments are always important because, in addition to being an injection of energy and encouragement, they give visibility and that is greatly appreciated.
12Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.
There are so many photographers but I would like to highlight Ansel Adams, Gallen Rowell, Ian Plant and Guy Tal.
13What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?
I think that one piece of advice that was very useful to me was that the first thing to think about when taking a photo was the composition, what I wanted to convey, the message that I want to deliver. The themes are important without a doubt but it is better for a photograph with technical deficiencies that transmits something to a technically perfect one that says nothing.
14What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?
What really clicks with me is that photography is not about starting from the outside and working in, it's the opposite. As a landscape photographer, I've learned that I need to photograph my inner world before I can truly capture the beauty of the landscapes around me.
15What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
For me, the key is to be true to nature. When I started digital photography, I became obsessed with editing, I think it's a path that we all follow in one way or another but today my editing process is very simple. I aim to spend more time in the field, seeking out those essential elements that can establish a strong connection between the viewer and my work.
16How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?
I am always studying and I am always open to new forms of expression. I firmly believe in the phrase that says that success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
17Anything else you would like to add to the interview?
I am filled with deep gratitude as I extend my heartfelt thanks for the award I have received.

Winning Entry

The portal of dreams | 2023


Antarctica on a sailing ship Sonabia 2 setting sail from Puerto Williams, Chile. One month of navigation, crossing the ... (Read more at European Photography Awards)


Known as GVivanco, Carlos Guevara is a Chilean photographer with a specialisation in nature and landscapes. He's also a Computer Engineer with an MBA in Finance from the University of Chile. Over 45 years of mountaineering, his photographic journeys have covered Chile extensively, from Lauca in the north to Antarctica in the south.

Read more about this interview with Noa Grayevsky from the United States, the Gold Winner of the 2023 European Photography Awards.
