Interview With Fabio Galvez From Spain

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Category Winners of the Year Uplifting the Standards of 2022 MUSE Photography Awards
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Interview With Shumile Exotic Dimensions From United States
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Fabio Galvez

Fabio Galvez enjoys his sharing on landscapes of every corner he steps on, using specific angles to make viewers experience his magical moment.

Interview With The 2022 MUSE Photography Awards Winner – Fabio Galvez

1Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?
I like photography since I was very young. I started to become a hobby in 2012 after having my first SLR.
2Where did you study photography?
I spent 3 years studying at the DIAPORAMA technical photography school in Zaragoza (Spain).
3Do you remember your first shot? What was it?
My first photo was taken in San Francisco in 2011. A tourist left me his camera to take a picture of him with his family. That was my first shot with an SLR.
4What equipment do you use?
I currently work with a Canon 5D and I My favorite lens is the canon 17-40.
5What do you hope to achieve?
The only thing I want is to show my vision of the landscapes and places I visit with no other aspiration than to make my work known and to enjoy it while I do it.
6What compliment inspired/touched you the most?
I was once told that my work was inspiring. It's the best thing I've ever been told. One more reason to continue excited about what I do.
7What inspires your unique storytelling?
In my photos I try to create special atmospheres in order to evade the viewer and make him live the magical moment that I am living.
8What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?
It depends. I am continually innovating my way of working. My style is in a constant evolution. In general, and to answer the question, I consider my photos have important components of DRAMATISM, PICTORICISM and SIMPLICITY.
9Congratulations! As the winner of the MUSE Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?
First of all, I want to thank you for choosing me as one of the winners. For me, this award is an enriching reward for the effort made in obtaining each image. Each photograph has a lot of work behind it. Both in planning and when shooting. In some cases, geological and atmospheric conditions made the work difficult.
10Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2022 MUSE Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?
It is a work done along the Spanish coast. The Spanish coast has many contracts that many people do not know. With this work I try to show the viewer the heterogeneity and landscape richness that our coast has. The MUSE Photography Awards are the perfect platform to publicize this project.
11How has winning an award developed your career?
Honestly, I am a modest photographer and I do not have great expectations. I don't want to make a big career as a photographer. I also don't want to be the best in the world. Winning this and other prizes is just an emotional reward. Awards are a way of knowing that people like what I do and the perfect motivation to continue working to be better every day.
12Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.
Only 3? It is probably the most difficult question. I have been inspired by dozens of photographers. If I have to give three names I will say the first photographer who inspired me: JOSE BENITO RUIZ (I have read all his books). Then, with a different style and a different way of working, I was inspired by MARC ADAMUS and ENRICO FOSSATI.
13What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?
The most important thing is practice. Study and then take lots of photos. It is more important than buying good gear and having the best camera.
14What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?
The same advice that was given to me. Take lots of photos. It is with what you learn the most. There are many people who start in the hobby who prioritize a good gear. But it is better to start with a modest camera and prioritize in practice. Over time you will know which is the best camera and type of lens for what you do.
15What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Humility. Be critical of your own photos, find your mistakes and work on them. This is the best way to progress as a photographer.
16How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?
Knowledge is not only necessary for beginners. I think that any photographer should be open to receiving training. I'm not just talking about the techniques for practice. I'm talking about a broader concept. The photographer's environment changes. The technologies, applications and equipment are in a constant process of modernization. Modernizing the work can improve the quality of it.

Winning Entry

The Other Coast | 2022


For many people, the coast of Spain is a succession of sandbanks packed with umbrellas and towels. However, the coast of Spain is much more…
(Read more at MUSE Photography Awards)


Fabio Galvez

Fabio Galvez enjoys his sharing on landscapes of every corner he steps on, using specific angles to make viewers experience his magical moment.

Read more about one of the jury members of the 2022 MUSE Photography Awards, José Martinez Silva.
