Interview with David Romero Álvarez from Columbia

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David Romero Álvarez

David Romero Álvarez is a 30-year-old Colombian advertising professional boasting 8 years of industry experience. He has garnered international acclaim with accolades from prestigious advertising festivals, underscoring his dedication to crafting innovative and resonant campaigns that engage audiences worldwide.

Interview with the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards Winner -
David Romero Álvarez

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your creative background.

Hello, my name is David Romero Álvarez and I’m a 30-year-old professional from the vibrant country of Colombia. My journey in the advertising industry spans an impressive 8 years during which I've consistently demonstrated my creativity and expertise.

One of the most significant highlights of my career has been the recognition I've received on the global stage, with awards from the most prestigious international advertising festivals, underscoring my dedication to crafting innovative and impactful campaigns that resonate with audiences worldwide.

2What made you become/why did you choose to become a creative?
I believe that no one chooses to be a creative, it is something we are all born with and later on we improve it for certain specific areas. But something that made me very passionate about being a creative in an advertising agency was the power we have to create things as a team every day.
3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.
I currently hold the position of Associate Creative Director for Sony Pictures and Codere brands. My job is to increase the creative level and take advantage of every opportunity to turn it into world-class work made in Mexico.
4What does “creativity” mean to you?
For me, creativity is the ability we have to solve problems in an unconventional way.
5To you, what makes a “creative” idea and/or design?
I think what makes one idea more creative than others is the impact it has on people. Both for the person who sees or hears it, and for the person who lives it.
6Tell us about your creative and/or design process.

First, I always try to research as much as I can about the brand, person, product or service for which I am going to create the ad. Then, I would look for references to know what has already been done and what I should not repeat.

Shortly after finding a reference, I let my mind cool down and step away from the process for a moment. I will just continue going about my day. After a few days, I return to the project with as much concentration as possible and start brainstorming without being my own judge.

The last step of my designing process would be evaluating which out of all the creative options has the most impact for both the client and his audience and then I would convey in the simplest, shortest and most understandable way possible.

7What's your favorite part of the creative process and why?
The best part of being creative, especially in advertising, is that exciting feeling when you see your work go live on air. It's like a rush of excitement and accomplishment, knowing that your ideas are out there, ready to connect with people.
8Describe your creative style and its main characteristics.
I pay a lot of attention to the small details that hide big ideas!
9Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your creativity process?
Of course, it does! In Colombia, we're known for our resourcefulness, and we pick up this knack for doing a lot with very little right from our early years. It's like a natural part of our upbringing that teaches us to be creative and make the most of what's available.
10Congratulations! As the winner of the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?
Taking part in the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards for the first time means the world to us and being recognized as winners feels incredibly special. It's a significant achievement that we'll cherish forever and it inspires us to keep pushing our creative limits. This win isn't just a point of pride; it's a reminder to stay committed to our craft and aim for even greater heights.
11Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?
This was an idea we had for the launch of the Diablo IV video game for the Blizzard Entertainment brand. We chose this idea because we felt it was very impactful to be able to gather all the verses in the story that would teach you how to beat Diablo and turn them into moves to beat Diablo in-game. This project brings us great joy as it truly reflects our creative identity.
12What was the biggest challenge with this project?
We had several! At the very beginning we had another idea that we had to discard and I think that was the first challenge we had, having to give up something good to do something better. The second one, I would say was to find the verses in all the languages that would help us to tell the idea in the best way. The last challenge we had was to make the book to the level we wanted it to be and in the end the results were very good and I think for those reasons we were also chosen as winners.
13How has winning an Award developed your practice/career?
Winning the award has been a game-changer for our careers. It's not only brought us more job prospects but has also boosted my confidence in identifying winning ideas. This newfound self-belief has been instrumental in pursuing creative endeavors that have the potential to stand out and make a real impact.
14What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
Making friends, being able to create something new every day and healthy competitiveness.
15What makes your country specifically, unique in the creative industry?
We're persistent and resilient. In Colombia, we've grown up embracing challenges, so we transform rejections into opportunities, always seeking the affirmative, no matter what.
16Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?
I think the next step is how we will make artificial intelligence and the digital world a sales model, where the consumer will seek to solve both physical and digital needs. Going from buying clothes for you, to finding the best collections for your avatar, making you spend more time in the digital world than in the real world.
17If you were a student entering this industry or an aspiring MUSE Creative Awards submitter, what advice would you give them?
I would recommend that before starting anything, you put together a very good team. In this industry you don't win anything alone, you will always need someone else to make your ideas come true. The second thing is to always be very humble and never waste any opportunity that life gives you.
18What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the creative industry?
I would tell them to study a lot, read poetry, watch Cannes cases, sign up for competitions like the MUSE Creative Awards to gain experience, go to museums, surround yourself with art and start looking at everything as a resource that could be useful to you at some point.
19Tell us something you have never told anyone else.
Even when I'm asleep my mind keeps coming up with ideas.
20Who has inspired you in your life and why?
The person who's been the biggest inspiration in my life is my mom, the most creative woman I've ever met. She had a remarkable ability to work wonders with a single ingredient and make sure all three of us were well-fed.
21What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Mamba Mentality.
22Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?

Yes. I would like to tell everyone who reads this interview to never give up!

The only person who can make or break your dreams is yourself.

No one else but you.

Winning Entry


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David Romero Álvarez

David Romero Álvarez is a 30-year-old Colombian advertising professional boasting 8 years of industry experience. He has garnered international acclaim with accolades from prestigious advertising festivals, underscoring his dedication to crafting innovative and resonant campaigns that engage audiences worldwide.

Read more about this interview with Yun Yao from the United States, the Gold Winner of the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards.
