Interview with Becky Sampson from the United Kingdom

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Becky Sampson

Becky Sampson is an award winning photographer based in London. Having traveled the world by bike, boat, and horse-drawn wagon, Becky has developed a keen eye for the unusual in ordinary situations; moving slowly throughout the world gives a different perspective on people, places, and the planet. With her images, she aims to bring about a sense of curiosity, joy, and pleasure.

1Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?
I've always loved photography, but it was only at Christmas 2023, when my partner bought me a Canon DSLR, that I began taking my photography seriously. I'm so grateful for the camera - it was the get-up-and-go I needed to realise a dream I've harboured for a long time!
2Where did you study photography?
I have never formally studied photography - however, I do attend events run by the London School of Photography, which are held regularly and help me explore my camera and different ways of taking images.
3Do you remember your first shot? What was it?
I have no idea what my first shot would have been - probably something with a Polaroid when I was a kid! The first shot I remember being proud of was a bright pink tree in Seville on a school trip. The hue of the leaves against a cloudless blue sky made it a really eye-catching image.
4What equipment do you use?
I have a Canon EOS 4000d and 2 lenses - a 'standard' one and a 100-300mm one - though I'm saving up for more as I hone in on my photography.
5What do you hope to achieve?
Ever since I was a child, it has always been my ambition to be a photographer for the National Geographic. I love the images within those hallowed pages and have been an avid reader of them for the last few decades. It's only now that I'm beginning to realise that, if I work hard enough, this could be a possibility. It would be an absolute dream come true if I one day got my work in the National Geographic.
6What compliment inspired/touched you the most?
A lot of my friends and colleagues have asked if they can buy some of my photos for their walls - that's an amazing feeling, to know that what you've produced is good enough for someone to want to look at every day in their home.
7What inspires your unique storytelling?
I love seeing the world from different angles, not just the 'norm'. I enjoy capturing the energy of a moment, or something ordinary but out of place. The world around me is what I take inspiration from; I will go out with an idea of what I want to shoot but often return with photos of extraordinary moments in the most bland of places.
8What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?
Urban, unusual, and unique.
9Congratulations! As the winner of the London Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

I am thrilled to have been picked as a winner of the London Photography Awards. I entered three photos - and all three got prizes. Having my photography recognised by a panel of judges is an incredible feeling - I couldn't stop smiling for days and rang everyone I know!

Knowing my photography is worthy of a prize also gives me all the more motivation to continue with my passion and take it to the next level.

10Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 London Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

I entered three photos - one which is the chefs at work in a restaurant, it has this incredible energy about it. The main chef is staring straight at the camera while the other two work behind; delicious-looking curries create a striking colour combination with the marbled green work surface and lighting behind.

The second image is of a window cleaner abseiling down a building - but in the background is the iconic Shard. As the window cleaner kicked off the building the Shard was positioned perfectly so that it looked like he was tip-toeing up on it; it was a spur-of-the-moment image and very much a right place, right time shot.

The one I'm most proud of is The final picture which was on the London underground, on an elevator. A guy in front of me was wearing a jacket which said 'Elevated' on the back of it. I loved the irony and took the shot. The lines of the tunnel in the elevator and the lighting make this a pleasing image.

11How has winning an award developed your career?

I'm about to find out! As I'm only just starting out in my photography career, it has been a huge confidence boost to have verification that my photos are worthy of an award.

I have of course put the LPA on my website, and hope to continue taking shots that not only I can be proud of, but that will make people stop, think, and enjoy. I'd love my images to be published or in a gallery one day.

12Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.

My uncle - Bruce Sampson. I laughed and said I was following in his footsteps, as we have both worked as archaeologists too.

Annabel Moeller - we used to know each other well although we lost contact a few years back. However, she recently had her work exhibited at The Royal Albert Hall in London, which is an incredible achievement.

Steve McCurry. His photo 'The Afghan Girl' of Sharbat Gula took my breath away when I first saw it. The colours, her staring straight at the camera and reaching into your soul - it's an incredible image and one which inspired me to want to take up photography.

13What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?
When photographing moving objects, keep snapping - don't stop to look at what you've taken as the action will pass you by.
14What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?
Pick up a camera and see what happens - you never know where it's going to take you.
15What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
I think my key to success is listening and learning to advice - but also carving out my own style.

Winning Entries

Bustling Broadway - the other one | London Photography Awards

A busy night on Broadway as bustling Tooting restaurants prep for a busy night of trading.

Tip Toeing up the Shard | London Photography Awards

A new Greenway in London is launched - Peckham to Epping Forest. En route of exploring this new urban oasis, is a man on a wire as an abseiler pushes off the windows he's cleaning, giving the impression he's tip-toeing up the iconic Shard.

Becky Sampson

Becky Sampson is an award winning photographer based in London. Having traveled the world by bike, boat, and horse-drawn wagon, Becky has developed a keen eye for the unusual in ordinary situations; moving slowly throughout the world gives a different perspective on people, places, and the planet. With her images, she aims to bring about a sense of curiosity, joy, and pleasure.

Read about the interview with Ramin Barzegar a multi-faceted artist from the United States here.
