1Congratulations! As the winner of the 2018 Muse Creative Awards, what does winning this award mean to you and your team?
It's awesome this is my 2nd year in a row taking home a Muse Creative Award. What makes it extra special to me is both times I won it was for my work in virtual reality. Years ago when VR wasn't as popular many people told me VR is only for games and would never work for video so this award proved everyone wrong and shows with a little creativity and hard work anything can happen.
2What are your top three (3) favorite things about our industry?
I would say one thing I like about this business is the constant exercise my brain gets because I'm always having to flex my creative muscle and when I'm not creating I'm trouble shooting so there's always something stimulating going on.
Another thing is my knowing my work will get seen by millions of viewers on weekly basis is really awesome. I've been blessed to work on multiple seasons of shows on networks like Discovery channel, History channel, etc... so chances are your seeing something I've worked on at some point.
The number one thing I like is I've gotten myself into a position where my creative freedom has allowed me to work from home a lot thus being able to always see my family which is a big deal for me because I'm seeing my kids grow up right in front of me.
3Who has inspired you in your life and why?
My kids always. Being able to show my daughter my work on My Little Pony or show my son the latest VR project I've worked on always puts a smile on my face.
My other inspiration is nature. I'm outside as much as I can be taking in all the natural energy the Earth provides to us.
4If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a career in creative industry, what would it be?
Never let anyone persuade you from your dreams and always work hard. No matter how good of an artist you are you always have to push yourself creatively and exceed your own limits. Also set your ego aside and let yourself be critique by your peers. Find some artist you look up to and ask them what they personally think about your work and how they think you can improve and take that knowledge and try to apply it and see what happens.
5Finally, what is your key to success?
I've always just work my butt off. I might not be the best artist in the world but I can guarantee one thing that I'm the hardest working artist and am always evolving myself as much as I can. People sometime told me I'm lucky but I don't believe in luck I work hard enough to put myself in good situations to succeed.