Interview with Jack Low, Senior Creative Designer Of DTC World Corporation Pte Ltd, SG

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Jack Low

As Senior Creative Designer of DTC World Corporation, Jack’s diligence and discipline allows him to keep up with the latest technology and design trends in the world.

Interview with 2019 MUSE Design Awards Winner - Jack Low of DTC World Corporation Pte Ltd

1Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your design background.
I’m Jack Low, a senior creative designer in DTC World Corporation with a background of almost 10 years in the creative industry. I am diligent about keeping up with the latest technology and design trends.
2What made you become/why did you choose to become a designer/artist?
I have a strong passion that helps me to create something that didn’t exist before, and strong belief that there is always an idea, new picture or some business ideas running through my mind. I enjoy the new challenging projects that push me to greater level of designs.
3Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.
DTC World is a corporate gift manufacturer with over 20 years of experience delivering innovative and creative marketing merchandise for some of the largest multinationals in the world. As part of my job scope, I liaise directly with both customers and factories to understand the customer's product, design requirements and also the factory’s production/ technical limitation.
4What does “design” mean to you?
Design is the creation of life. Design is a tool for communication, the key for a business to announce itself.
5To you, what makes a “good” design?
Creative and clearly expressed. A good design tells a story and can explain its function.
6Tell us about your design process.
Firstly digest the pot of requirement. Give it a thought, like how this project could bring out a respond of “wow”? Brainstorm in mind and develop this idea. Process it into artwork and make it REAL.
7Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your design process?
Sure. That was my art inspiration.
8Congratulations! As the winner of the 2019 MUSE Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?
These awards mean a lot to our team. We are glad to have this acknowledgement of our hard work!
9Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2019 MUSE Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?
Japan’s fascinating culture has been the subject of many art projects. But for the first time ever, the limited-edition souvenir Merdama will seamlessly blend Japan’s tradition and technology with Singapore’s most famous mascot. As its name suggests, the Merdama is the fusion of the Merlion and the Kendama, a traditional skill toy that’s has fascinated Japanese children for more than 300 years. The details on the Merdama tell the story of Singapore’s rich heritage. The patterns are borrowed from the kebaya, a timeless costume deeply rooted in our Peranakan culture. Over the decades, the exotic motifs on the traditional kebaya have gained international influence. We hope to use Merdama to showcase Singapore history & creativity to the world.
10What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
Do it with passion. Keep learning. Never give up!
11Do you have anything else you would like to add to the interview?
Thank you for my team and MUSE Design Awards!

Winning Entries

Merdama | 2019

Interview with Jack Low, Senior Creative Designer Of DTC World Corporation Pte Ltd, SG
Japan’s fascinating culture has been the subject of many art projects. But for the first time ever, the limited-edition souvenir Merdama will seamlessly blend Japan’s tradition and technology with Singapore’s most famous mascot.
(read more at MUSE Awards)

DTC World Corporation Pte Ltd

DTC World is a corporate gift manufacturer with over 20 years of experience delivering innovative and creative marketing merchandise for some of the largest multinationals in the world.
