In Focus: Interview with Bidane Gutierrez & Edmundo Murillo, Art Director & Copywriter at Miami Ad School, Spain

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Bidane Gutierrez and Edmundo Murillo | Muse Awards

Bidane Gutierrez and Edmundo Murillo

Bidane Gutierrez and Edmundo Murillo are an incredible team since they've met at Miami Ad School, they've shared ideas that can make a better world. They are from different cultural backgrounds, Bidane is from Bilbao (north of Spain), and Edmundo from Colombia, that fact has helped them to think beyond. Now they’re working from different agencies, Bidane works for Geometry Global, and Edmundo in Labstore, both located in Madrid, but they always gather to share ideas. They've always had a constant fight for who’s better, Art Directors or Copywriters, a long-term fight that has no end. (“Art Directors are the best”).

Interview with the 2018 Muse Creative Awards Winner - Bidane Gutierrez and Edmundo Murillo

1First, tell us about yourself, your company, job profile, etc.
We are an incredible team since we met at Miami Ad School, we share ideas that can make a better world. We are from different cultural backgrounds, I’m from Bilbao (north of Spain), and Edmundo From Colombia, that fact help us to think beyond. Now we’re working from different agencies, I work for Geometry Global, and Edmundo in Labstore, both located in Madrid, but we always gather to share ideas. We always have a constant fight for who’s better, Art Directors or Copywriters, a long term fight that has no end. (“Art Directors are the best”).
2Tell us a bit about your business and what you do.
As we said, we have just graduated from the Miami Ad School and we are currently working in an agency, giving the best of ourselves and contributing as much as we can. It is not an easy world, but we are more motivated than anyone else.
3Congratulations! As the winner of the 2018 Muse Creative Awards, what does winning this award mean to you and your team?
For us to win a Muse Award is to see that our work is valued. The campaign with which we have won, in addition, has that kind of creativity that we are passionate about and that makes us believe in advertising. The kind of creativity that can really make a difference.
4Where do you see the evolution of creative industry going over the next 5-10 years?
We firmly believe that creativity makes sense when the new idea can generate a movement, a change. People don’t like advertising that seeks to sell and generate need, now they go further and really empathize with those brands that have a reason behind. People like to feel part of the change and we believe that this is a trend that will last a long time.
5If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a career in creative industry, what would it be?
To work on creativity, you have to love it. The road is long and hard, but the triumphs deserve everything, however small they may be. Work, work, work and never stop learning new things. No matter how many new things you learn each day, you can never know too much.
6Tell us something you have never told anyone else.
In Spain, we have a word that defines the fact of wanting to pretend what you are not, in order to be accepted and even envied. We call it "postureo". Be yourself at all times. Do not fall into the "postureo". There's a lot!
7Finally, what is your key to success?
We hope to be able to answer this question within a few years (hopefully we will not have to wait long). Now, we can just say thank you so much to Muse Awards.

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Miami Ad School

Miami Ad School is a creativity school known worldwide where you can learn to create advertising in a very special way.
