The world has already entered and begun its next step in society to a progressive era, one where topics that are considered taboo or often ignored are being taken seriously. Subjects such as race, sexuality, nature, self-love, compassion, justice, and empowerment of women all have an extremely important role to play with the current generation of individuals.
However, those same topics may very well also be the ones that can further divide people of the same generation further apart. Rather than uniting as one, they may choose to be amongst their own kind instead. So instead of doing that, Hitha’s single titled ‘We Are who We Are’ expresses her concern for the current state of her generation and drives home the message that we are all one and should embrace each other’s individuality.
The music video for We Are who We Are begins with Hitha sitting at a desk in a room, scribbling down a notepad with numerous thoughts running through her head as a basis for the lyrics of the song. All while flashbacks and snippets of major events such as Black Lives Matter movements and riots, #MeToo making an appearance everywhere, body positivity preachers spreading their gospel, an ocean of rainbow flags at LGBTQ+ events, and of course, the devastation of whatever nature we have left on this planet.
Closing her eyes and then opening them again, we see a dramatic change in the set. Going from an eclectic room to an opulent throne room surrounded by handmaidens dressed in black, a room of white curtains and chandeliers, and a dance set filled with performers.
Each and every word within the lyrics are hard hitting and emotional, hitting the soul of the listener to its very core as these words reference the fragmented individuals who walled themselves off from each other. Hitha’s unique voice also does a spectacular job in placing weight in these lyrics with passion and love.
Another fine detail to further carry the message of the song can also be found on the album cover of the EP too. A collage of mane different faces and pieces of headwear and apparel and accessories clashing against Hitha’s portrait, further symbolizing that despite our difference in our race, gender, sexuality and strengths and downsides, we are still one and should embrace the unique traits of one another.
In these trying times, Hitha delivers us a lesson in loving one another and does an excellent job in outing the bad sides of our generation. Show your support and visit her official website here!
Make sure you check out our list of featured LIT performers expressing their art through LIT Music here!