In a gripping emotional film created by SEMIO Productions, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry employed the accomplished company to work its magic in order to contribute its efforts to promote and reposition Cyprus. The country is revered for its ravishing wine that is responsible for bringing Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Riesling to the world, being a favourite of many wine enthusiasts. The history of wine-making can be traced back to Cyrus, the oldest in the world. In hopes that it would rekindle memories of its long rich history and to ultimately put the country back on the map.
The video reflects how Cyprus wine is not simply just wine but rather more than that as it portrays a reflection of the grand island itself. The colours, the fragrant smell of grapes to the people who dedicate their precious time to work on the land and the secrets of the craft travel quietly but surely on the land and is passed from generation to generation. The video skilfully portrayed how much passion was put into wine-making, weathering the hot and rainy days, unforeseeable circumstances are all in a day’s work and with the sun shining bestowing its sacred gift to the island’s abundant land.
The work of a genius, scriptwriter Pavlos Neocleous and Paris El-Said’s objective was to display the rough and harsh beauty that makes the art of wine making what it is by planting a single narrative. A narrative that is able to spell the story of a unique character (the island) while celebrating its sacred value to the world. The beautiful fog coloured palette was the cherry on top that emphasized the centuries of wine-making in the video and showed how the meticulous workers in action. What was truly captivating was to witness how their body moved intuitively as if it is second nature to them, as if it is in their very nature and blood to create Cyprus wine.
This cinematic piece was hauntingly beautiful from start to finish and used the elements within he vicinity to supply depth and emotions in order to lure the audience. One is unable to resist and look away from the events that unfold to making Cyprus wine. 6000 years of wine-making is skilfully captured and managed to garner the attention of many with its abstract colour palette. It was recognized by the 2023 LIT Talent Awards as a Platinum Winner under the category of LIT Film - Best Commercial.
Entry Name: A Sip of History
Entrant Company: SEMIO Productions
Winning Category: LIT Film - Best Director
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