In these uncertain times, social distancing and confining yourself within the four walls of your home is common, which means no one is out driving unnecessarily.
Jeep knows this, but with their newest tagline ('Have fun out there') still hot off the grill, they realize that the timing might be just a tad off. Well, look no further, because they released an ad campaign that tells you to stay at home instead:
Aptly titled The Great Indoors, Jeep commissioned the Australian creative agency Cummins & Partners to encourage all to stay at home and practice social distancing. It's a perfect ad for an imperfect time, and we at absolutely love it!
The ads feature household items like crayons or remote controls stacked together neatly, with two circular items on both ends to make the entire visual look like the front grill of a Jeep. Really cool, right?
The ad also ends with a slogan, 'It's time to explore the new indoors'. To echo this, we should all explore the great indoors, try out new indoor hobbies and perhaps, even perhaps, spend some of your hard earned cash on a nice Jeep or two after this global pandemic is over? Oh my!
Creative Agency: Cummins & Partners
Client's Name: Jeep
Want to see other automotive related content? Take a look at MUSE Creative Award's Platinum Winner winning ad here.