In the bustling entertainment market of Tokyo, Netflix launched an innovative pop-up campaign titled ONLY ON NETFLIX, executed by amc asia! to strengthen brand loyalty and affinity in Japan. Faced with stiff competition from local broadcasters and streaming services, the initiative aimed to create a memorable, immersive experience that would stand out and captivate an audience already saturated with content options. The campaign utilized both onsite and online elements to engage visitors and build excitement for Netflix’s unique offerings.
The ONLY ON NETFLIX campaign centred on six popular titles: First Love, Bridgerton, Emily in Paris, Wednesday, Stranger Things, and Alice in Borderland. These were presented through two distinct themed routes, "Love" and "Adventure," allowing attendees to choose between different interactive experiences. To build anticipation for the event, the campaign kicked off with a teaser on social media featuring augmented reality (AR) filters and quizzes, encouraging online participation and organic content sharing. The exhibition offered both open-access and exclusive, ticketed areas, which broadened the audience reach while maintaining a sense of exclusivity.
The creative design of the pop-up event blurred the lines between reality and fiction, allowing attendees to fully immerse themselves in the worlds of their favorite Netflix shows. For the "Love" route, fans could listen to Hikaru Utada’s First Love inside a replica taxi or take regal portraits in costumes inspired by Bridgerton. The "Adventure" route provided eerie encounters like stepping into Vecna’s Mind Lair from Stranger Things or walking through Wednesday's room at Nevermore Academy. Each route was packed with interactive props, photobooths, themed foods, and exclusive merchandise, enhancing the overall experience.
Strategic partnerships with well-known Japanese brands like Softbank, KDDI, and Sony Music amplified the event's reach and credibility. The event also featured intimate Q&A sessions with show creators, behind-the-scenes content, and sneak peeks at upcoming titles, further enriching the experience for dedicated fans. Merchandise booths selling limited edition items added to the allure of the event, turning it into a multisensory experience that deeply resonated with visitors.
Every detail of ONLY ON NETFLIX was carefully crafted to create an emotional connection and foster a sense of community among attendees. The campaign's ability to blend creative storytelling with cutting-edge technology resulted in a standout experience in Tokyo’s competitive entertainment scene, ultimately aiming to cultivate long-lasting brand loyalty for Netflix in Japan.
Entrant Company: amc asia!
Winning Category: Event - Pop-Up Event
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