Interview with Tim Tsao from Japan

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Tim Tsao

During his time in the US, Tim Tsao embarked on a transformative journey that began with a Thanksgiving purchase of his first camera, a Nikon D5300. Since then, his passion for photography has flourished, profoundly shaping his experiences and perspectives.

1Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?

Greetings, I'm Tim! Although I spent my formative years in my home country, I pursued and completed my PhD degrees in the United States. It was during my time in the US that I embarked on a transformative journey sparked by a Thanksgiving purchase — my first camera Nikon D5300.

Since then, my passion for photography has flourished, shaping my experiences and perspectives in profound ways.

2Where did you study photography?
I never formally studied photography; rather, I honed my skills through relentless practice and experimentation.
3Do you remember your first shot? What was it?
It was in 2014, during my time in Austin, that I first delved into photography. However, I made a conscious decision not to upload those initial photos to the internet. Reflecting on that choice now, I recognize that my skills and perspective have since matured significantly.
4What equipment do you use?
My current camera is a SONY A7iv.
5What compliment inspired/touched you the most?
I would recount the instance when someone remarked on the emotional depth conveyed in one of my photographs. It wasn't just about the technical aspects, but rather how the image evoked a genuine feeling or connection with the viewer. This acknowledgment deeply resonated with me because it affirmed my aspiration to create images that resonate on a deeper level beyond just aesthetics.
6What inspires your unique storytelling?

I often find myself drawn to the intricacies of everyday life and the human experience. I'm captivated by the subtle moments, emotions, and interactions that often go unnoticed.

Whether it's the play of light and shadow, the expressions on people's faces, or the beauty found in the mundane, I aim to capture the essence of these moments in my photos. Ultimately, my goal is to create images that offer a glimpse into my perspective on the world — to tell stories that resonate universally and evoke a sense of connection and understanding among viewers.

Through my lens, I strive to offer a fresh perspective and shed light on the beauty and complexity of the world around us.

7What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?
Real, momentous and bewilderment!
8Congratulations! As the winner of the MUSE Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

This marks a pivotal moment in my photography journey, one filled with a sense of excitement and accomplishment. Applying for a formal photography award was a significant step for me, representing a leap of faith in my creative vision and technical skills. To receive recognition from esteemed professionals in the field is truly humbling and gratifying.

Embarking on this endeavor wasn't merely about seeking validation or accolades; it was about pushing myself to new heights and honing my craft. Each photograph submitted was a labor of love, meticulously crafted to convey my unique perspective and storytelling. To have these efforts acknowledged is a testament to the dedication and passion I pour into my work.

Moreover, this recognition serves as fuel for my ongoing pursuit of excellence in photography. It reinforces my belief in the power of visual storytelling to transcend barriers and connect with audiences on a profound level. With each click of the shutter, I strive to capture moments that not only reflect my worldview but also resonate with others, sparking dialogue and fostering understanding.

As I continue to evolve as a photographer, I am inspired by the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. This accolade fuels my determination to push boundaries, explore new techniques, and embark on daring artistic endeavors. It serves as a reminder that creativity knows no bounds and that my journey as a storyteller is just beginning.

In the grand tapestry of my photography career, this recognition will always hold a special place—a reminder of the strides taken, the challenges overcome, and the countless stories yet to be told. With renewed passion and purpose, I eagerly anticipate the next chapter, eager to capture the beauty and complexity of the world through my lens.

9Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 MUSE Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

In curating the works submitted for this award, I meticulously selected photographs captured over the past two years. Despite being taken in common locations, each image holds a unique story waiting to be told. It's in these familiar settings that I found inspiration to explore and discover hidden beauty from unconventional angles.

With a discerning eye and an unwavering commitment to my craft, I sought to breathe new life into scenes often overlooked by others. Whether it was a bustling city street, a tranquil park, or a quaint neighborhood alleyway, I endeavored to find the extraordinary within the ordinary.

It's a testament to the transformative power of perspective—how a slight shift in angle or a change in lighting can unveil a whole new dimension to the world around us. Through my lens, I aimed to capture not just what meets the eye but also the essence of the moment—the emotions, the atmosphere, the fleeting beauty that often escapes our notice.

Each photograph represents a journey of exploration and discovery — a quest to uncover the hidden gems tucked away in the corners of our everyday lives. It's a reminder that beauty exists everywhere, waiting to be unearthed by those willing to see beyond the surface.

As I reflect on these images, I am reminded of the countless hours spent wandering the streets, chasing the perfect shot, and embracing the serendipitous moments that make photography so exhilarating. Each click of the shutter was a testament to my passion for storytelling and my unwavering belief in the power of imagery to inspire, evoke emotion, and foster connection.

In the end, it's not just about capturing a beautiful scene — it's about inviting viewers to see the world through my eyes, to experience the magic and wonder that surrounds us, and to find joy in the ordinary moments that make life truly extraordinary. Through my photography, I strive to spark curiosity, ignite imagination, and leave a lasting impression on all who encounter my work.

10How has winning an award developed your career?
Receiving this award marks a significant milestone in my journey as a photographer, one that instills me with a newfound sense of confidence and purpose. It serves as validation of my artistic vision and technical prowess, reaffirming my commitment to the craft and inspiring me to explore new horizons.
11Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.
This is a tough question... In essence, my photographer friends serve as both a sounding board and a source of encouragement, offering invaluable insights, inspiration, and camaraderie that fuel my passion for photography and embolden me to pursue my creative aspirations with unwavering determination. But I don't have any specific name.
12What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?
Try, try, and try and one day you will figure out your style.
13What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?
Take the leap, and discover the world through your lens. Embrace the unique perspective you bring, for its daring to see differently that true creativity thrives.
14What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?
"Never give up." You never know where your limit is.
15How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?
I try to keep up to the information by exploring on Instagram, to ensure my information is up-to-date.

Winning Entries

Tim Tsao

During his time in the US, Tim Tsao embarked on a transformative journey that began with a Thanksgiving purchase of his first camera, a Nikon D5300. Since then, his passion for photography has flourished, profoundly shaping his experiences and perspectives.

The 2024 MUSE Photography Awards is excited to proudly unveil the honored Photographers and Category Winners of the Year and celebrate the art of photography!
