Short Bowel Syndrome is a medical condition where an individual does not have enough length in their small intestine, and thus not being able to absorb enough nutrients during digestion to keep their body healthy.
In an effort to spread the awareness of the disease, Japanese pharmaceuticals company Takeda has teamed up with Georgian company Prand to create a beautiful, hand-drawn awareness video!
The video follows a young boy named Andrey as he explains his plight of having Short Bowel Syndrome after removing a significant portion of his small intestine as a child.
Andrey is then forced to live with a drip named “Drippy”. What was a blessing later turned into a unfortunate curse that restricted what Andrey can and cannot do and putting his parents into emotional turmoil.
Soon, we are introduced to TED, which is a name given by Andrey and short for Teduglutide. A miraculous drug that improves his absorption of nutrients from his food during digestion and have changed his outlook of life into a positive one.
Each day, diseases are being researched and cured at an astonishing rate. And we salute to those in the medical field in creating moments of happiness to those who are in great pain for years!
Who knows? Maybe we can see the same result for Covid-19, too!
This is also a great time to remind everyone to stay home. So why not team up with each other in Operation: Tango to pass the time?